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13 Things I Would Rather Do Than Take My Finals: Spring 2019 Edition

Stepping into a field of legos does not sound too awful compared to finals.

13 Things I Would Rather Do Than Take My Finals: Spring 2019 Edition
Photo Credit: Flickr

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Finals, no one really wants to do them because they are stressful and gives us all anxiety knowing that one little test or paper is worth 20% or more of our final grade in the course. Since this article has been written over and over again I present the Spring 2019 version of things I rather do besides finals week.

Watch Tom Brady win another Super Bowl.


I would rather see Tom Brady win than take an exam, at least the heartbreak will only be temporary.

Step into a field of Legos while barefoot and not cry.


No one likes stepping on legos, but I rather do that, barefoot and not shed a tear because unlike my last exam the pain is only temporary.

Be waterboarded by the CIA


At least the pain of waterboarding is temporary than the anxiety of a final.

Watch 24 hours worth of golf tournaments with my eyes taped open.


I'm not a golf fan because it is not my cup of tea and it is boring, but I would subject myself to watching 24 hours non-stop of golf than take another final exam.

Get a tattoo of my ex's name on my ankle


I don't believe in getting tattoos of an S.O name on it because there is always the chance of heartbreak, but it getting a tiny tattoo of an ex's name on my ankle will get me out of all my finals for life, I'm down.

Listen to Friday by Rebecca Black


The most annoying song, but if I can get out of a final, I'll download that and all the remixes.

Watch the first eight minutes of UP with onions in my eyes and try not to cry.


The first eight minutes of UP will always be memorable and forever has a place in my heart, but I will accept the challenge of not crying during those eight minutes for an exemption.

Eat dinner with everyone I had beef with and am still not friends with as a result.


I have a lot of enemies due to some stupid stuff, but finals scare me so bad that I would eat dinner with all 30 of them if it meant I get out of my finals.

Go through a 24-hour tattoo with no breaks


For some people this is a dream, for me, it is torture because I hate needles, and that is the only thing between me and a small cute tattoo that I have been wanting. However, if I do this and get exempt from my finals, give me the chair.

Listen to Baby by Justin Bieber on repeat.


It was cringe worthy then and it is still now, but if can get a little exemption, then I'll do it.

Watch all the scary movies in existence.


Because nothing scares me more than exams and how much one exam can impact my life.

Take 8th grade physical science again.


My teacher was mean and spiteful, but I will deal with her again before I take another final. Shoutout to Mr. Gaynor for always looking out for me in the class!

Give birth to a baby without any pain relieving medication.


I heard from many of my beautiful friends, who are powerful mothers that childbirth is excruciating; most had a pain reliever or another when giving birth to their angel. However, if I were pregnant, I would skip the medication if it meant I get out of my finals. This is coming from someone that is afraid of childbirth.

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