The end of spring semester is approaching quickly. It's that point when no amount of coffee will ever help. Getting out of bed has become more and more challenging as the days pass. We are running out of clothing because we are avoiding laundry. Our bank accounts are a sad story. As college students, there are a number of emotions we go through during this time. These emotions are told by the Kardashian family.
1. Filling out evaluations for professors you hated.
We waited for this day all semester.
2. When it's nice outside, but you can't skip class to hangout with friends.
3. But you hang out with them anyways.
4. Wondering how your other classmates still have motivation.
5. When professors begin piling on more work before exam week.
Could you not?
6. When you realize you only have a few weeks to pull your life together.
7. Stepping out of your final.
There is truly no better feeling.
8. Knowing that you are about to leave your college best friends.
9. But then realizing you're already planning trips to visit them over the summer.
10. Attempting to pull up your grades last minute.
11. Checking in with your sanity.
Send help.
12. Your procrastination levels have reached an all time high.
Some of us are packing up our dorm rooms already. Others have even gone to the gym because it's better than school work.