“Where there is love there is life." ― Mahatma Gandhi
I felt as though this week I couldn’t turn on the news without hearing some sad story. With every new story that I heard, one thought came to mind: life is precious, don’t take any of it for granted. With everything that is happening in the world, I’ve realized, nothing is guaranteed, not even the next day. Using the quote by Gandhi, here are some things one should always do.
1. Spread love.
Whether it’s family, friends or a significant other, one should tell that person they love them every day. I know one might think that they already know they’re loved, but always tell them. Someday one might not be able to say those words, so start with today, and start with “I love you.” Even if it’s a pet, a dog, cat or a rabbit. They need to know someone loves them. Sometimes the words aren't easy, but say it now before it’s too late.
2. Live life, and don’t hold back.
Go. Travel, start a hobby, learn a language. Do those things that have always been put off until another day. Every person should go do that one thing they’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had time or were too afraid to start. Always wanted to travel to New York? Play the guitar? Maybe learn French? Go for it. If not now then when? All these questions lead up to just one answer: go and live the life you have.
3. Show kindness, to everyone.
Whether it’s a neighbor, friend or a person on the street. Kindness is never wrong. With one little act of kindness one can make a world of difference. No matter race, gender or religion, everyone deserves kindness. With all the hate and anger in the world, a little nice goes a long way. Why spread hate when you can spread kindness? We shouldn’t let differences separate us; instead, we should let them bring us together and show kindness.
So what are you doing? Go spread love, live life and show kindness, because a very wise Gandhi once also said:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”.-Mahatma Gandhi