It's About To Get Sappy!
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Student Life

It's About To Get Sappy!

Advice I Really Wish I Would Have Known

It's About To Get Sappy!

Now that I am a senior getting ready to schedule for my final (FINAL! EEK!) semester here at Slippery Rock University, I feel as though it is best to leave you all with a few things that I wish I would have known about going into college almost five years ago. So hopefully you all can see the value in the messages that I am leaving you all with and use it for the remainder of your time here, and well, for the rest of your lives too!

Be spontaneous! Do things that are out of your comfort zone or things that you never in a million years pictured yourself doing. You learn best when you grow and you can only do these things by putting yourself in situations that require you to sink a little. Success isn't easy the older you get and you will be put in situations during your college careers that will test you as a person but please take these experiences as they come and learn from them.

Do not ever underestimate your talent and most importantly DON'T LET OTHER PEOPLE TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN/CAN'T DO! You all know what you are capable of so don't let someone else's remarks based off of stupid assumptions bring you down. I did not think I was capable of being admitted into Graduate School because I barely am making it through Undergrad thanks to five long years after changing my major twice. However, I had a change of heart in the last month and I realize that if I really want to be a mental health advocate that I will need to have a Master's under my belt.

Celebrate your successes as they come. You aren't going to always do things right or "get it" on a first try so when something big like getting an A on a Microeconomics test happens, YOU CELEBRATE. I don't care how dumb you might think it is, micro is hard. There are going to be classes you take as a college student that will test your ability. Not all classes are going to be 100 level easy.

Going to college is a huge transition period. I wish I had understood that and handled it with more grace instead of drinking beer. Feel your feelings and know that it will be easier one day, once you’ve found the right people that bring out the best in you, and if you found that already, congrats! I got settled with the wrong people and a lot of bad things happened as a result, but one day everything made sense and I got back on track to where I needed to be.

Get out there, join a club, and join the community! 
I know alcohol and the bar scene is new and exciting, but be safe and try not to be too stupid. I made too many mistakes like that as an 18 year old that I am slowly paying for now... Hello actually working to get my G.P.A. up! I just spent six hours in the library on Sunday so that is probably the first time I have ever done that during my Undergraduate Career.

Everyone is probably telling you right now that these will be the best four years of your life..... Although maybe true, there is another side as to what they probably aren’t telling you. Your time in college will also be some of the worst years of your life. You will feel on top of the world and utterly defeated (sometimes in the same day). So just try to remember that you’re not doing anything wrong if you’re having a hard time. And before you jump to any conclusions about how much happier everyone else is, and how ald. If you ever find yourself chasing a dream to one day decide it isn't for you, then be proud of yourself for having the courage to walk away from something like that. I know I pushed myself too hard to stay in Nursing for as long as I did and once I made the switch to Healthcare Administration, life became livable! For once, I was able to actually experience what it means to be blissfully happy.

Change IS Good! You should know that change is both necessary and inevitable, so try to embrace it as best as you can. Growth is a beautiful, incredibly bittersweet process and there is (I’ve learned) nothing to fear from it. At the end of the day, that’s what you’re here for: to learn, to blossom, and to flourish into whoever it is you decide you’re going to bemuch more fun they’re having than you, go sit down and talk to a friend. You’d be surprised by how many people feel lost and directionless at least some point in their college careers.

Don't Be Afraid To Change your Major! I think one of my favorite quotes does a pretty good job at summarizing the advice I would give after walking away from a major that I thought was the rest of my life and changing it to something else: “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” – F. Scott Fitzger. Part of that process though, is making mistakes; so be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, and then, keep going. The only thing you’ll regret over these next four years are the things you didn’t do, so make sure you do everything you can; go out on weeknights, dress up for themed parties, attend as many sporting events as you can, and always call home at least once a week. Do things you never gave yourself the freedom to do in high school, study abroad, revel in your newfound independence in whatever way you see fit, spend at least one summer on campus, and, perhaps most importantly, when you do finally find your voice – don’t ever be afraid to use it.

I Am Going to Find My Soulmate At College! Said No One Ever? Don't be hung up on a lost love for more than a few weeks. We are young and in the prime of our lives. There are going to be millions more people that you will meet in your lifetime so take time to grieve because it is necessary and then wake up one day and go attack the world. I have a personal motto that a boy is only worth a good cry and a pint of Ben and Jerry's so find something that works for you and use it!

Ramen Noodles AREN'T A Food Group FYI. I know what it feels like to literally be broke during weeks at a time. My personal favorite is when I log into my bank account and see that I have negative money. So ideally I am spending money that doesn't even belong to me! Please stay far far away from Ramen Noodles and any other cheap food you can get at the grocery store just to save money. Your wallet might love you afterwards but your body will not be thanking you later.

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