Sons of Anarchy, one of my favorite topics. One of my family's favorite topics actually. With its seven seasons of power struggles between Clay and Jax, Gemma's secrets, two births, and Jax and Tara's turmultuous relationship gave its audiences a lot of intricate, bloody storylines.
Being loosely based on "Hamlet", just with a biker-centered storyline, blood and gore is to be expected. Sometimes so gory that it's very difficult to watch.
Here are a few of Sons of Anarchy's storylines that had us turning away from our TVs. I'll spare you some of the more disturbing pictures. (Spoiler Alert)
1. Jax's first kill.
In a fit of rage and in an act of protecting Tara, Jax kills a federal agent that attempted to rape her. The violence of Kohn and Tara together, the kill, and the scene following where Jax and Tara decide to have sex in front of the dead body... It's a pretty shocking moment all around.
2. Donna's Death.
In a case of mistaken identity, Donna is killed in a "drive-by" orchestrated by her husband's MC. Donna was always trying to do right by her family and fought Opie's connection to SAMCRO every step of the way, ends of being killed by them.
3. Gemma's rape.
Are the beginning of the second season, in an effort to attack SAMCRO, a white supremacist group gang rapes the matriarch. Not only was the violence hard to watch, but audiences saw the normally hard-headed and strong Gemma being violated.
4. Abel's kidnapping.
This was probably hard to watch for several reasons: Abel's kidnapping meant Half-Sac, the original prospect, was murdered trying to defend him. Tara was tied up in Abel's nursery, making her helpless. Gemma finding out about the kidnapping brought on an episode for her diseased heart and it broke Jax.
5. Stahl and Jimmy O's death.
Opie was still angry after Donna's death, which ultimately was Agent Stahl's fault after starting rumors within the club. Chibs was angry after almost an entire lifetime of wrongdoings by Jimmy O, including leaving Chibs with the scars on his cheek. During almost simultaneous deaths, Opie shoots Agent Stahl the same way Donna died and Chibs maims Jimmy before ending his life, too. The season 3 season finale planned these deaths out so meticulously, it was disturbing to watch.
6. Piney's Death.
Piney knew too much and a desperate Clay ended his life to keep him quiet. Clay and Piney were First 9, founding members of the club, this is the beginning of Clay's demise. His drive for power causes him to kill an old friend and voice of wisdom for the club.
7. Tara's injury.
Another hit by Clay gone wrong. Tara nearly dies and loses most of the function in her hand in the process. Not only is her surgical career over... or postponed, so is her way out of SAMCRO. It comes on the heels of Jax and Tara getting a glimpse of life without the club, which only makes her injury that much worse.
8. Juice's Suicide Attempt.
You have to sympathize with Juice. There is only so much death and gore a person can take before they go off the deep-end. We all held our breath when he jumped, only to be great full when the branch snapped, saving his life.
9. Dawn's Death.
Arguably one of the most difficult scenes to watch. In an act of revenge, Damon Pope burns Tig's daughter alive and makes him watch. Just typing that made me want to turn away. It was emotional and indescribable.
10. Opie's Death.
Opie was my favorite character, so maybe I'm biased, but watching him die in a prison fight as a way of sacricfing himself for Jax was cringeworthy. He had always been the voice of reason, especially after his father's death. He offered Jax the truth with no reservations for how his best friend might react.
11. Otto bites off his tongue.
I'll spare you the actual picture.
In a strong show of silence, Otto bites off his tongue to prove that he won't speak to the police.
12. Tara's faked pregnancy and miscarriage.
Tara wants out, but more importantly she wants to ensure that Gemma will never have a say in her sons' lives. In an effort to accomplish both, she fakes a pregnancy and miscarriage, which she claims happens at the hand of Gemma. Seeing this is when audiences see the transformation Tara has been forced to undergo at the hand of the club.
13. Tara's Death.
Something no one wanted and everyone saw coming. In a fit of rage and possibly insanity, Gemma beats, stabs, and drowns Tara in Jax and Tara's kitchen, leaving her body for Jax to find. It is the beginning of the end and the catalyst for Jax' rage during the entire 7th season, but it's still painful to watch.
14. Bobby's Death.
Bobby has always been the calm one. He offered every member of the club and their old ladies more words of advice than we can count. He was always baking for the club and keeping track of the money. It doesn't excuse the violence and mayhem he left in his path, but still he was one of the characters viewers assumed were going to make it to the end. In Jax's need for revenge and complete lack of control in the 7th season, he crosses August Marks in the wrong way, leaving Bobby tortured and dead.
15. Unser's Death.
Unser was corrupt, there's no doubt about it. Despite all of the good he did for the club. As the chief of police, he still accepted money to turn the other cheek when SAMCRO was breaking the law. He still loved Gemma, despite her flaws and was always one of the softer characters on the show. The club accepted him like family, but that didn't stop Jax from shooting him when Unser got in the way of Jax's anger.
16. Gemma's Death.
Gemma was far from likeable. She kept secrets, lied, killed, and manipulated. She had a creepy attachment to Jax, that sometimes pushed the envelope on Mother/ Son relationships. Yet, watching her own son shoot her in the back of the head after a seven year run with the character was brutal.
17. Jax's Death.
Everyone saw it coming. Possibly from the opening episode of the show. There was just no possibility that it could end well for Jax. The power and weight of everything he'd done was just too much for Jax to handle. Hoping to kill any of his sons' memory of him and the bad person he became, bury the pain of Tara's death, and Opie's deaths, he kills himself in the same way his father did.
These are only a few out of many more gory and disturbing scenes from Sons of Anarchy. Obviously, it is not a show for the faint of heart.