A Song For Each Place I Have Traveled To, Part II | The Odyssey Online
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A Song For Each Place I Have Traveled To, Part II

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A Song For Each Place I Have Traveled To, Part II

Like how I don’t have a favorite book, I don’t have a favorite song either. I only associate music with memories or places where I leave a piece of my heart. That’s probably why I base my Spotify playlists off cities I have visited, places that have played a pivotal part in my personal growth. Today, I share some of these fleeting moments with you in the form of melody, drum, and bass. Here a few of my favorite memories from my travels with a song as accompaniment -- because when words fail, music speaks.

1. Vancouver, Canada | 12.25.04 -- MisterWives, “Our Own House”

So, so, so long ago (I was, like, 6 at the time). All I remember from Vancouver is a memory of me sipping apple cider in front of a huge Christmas tree in the hotel lobby. But, now I realize that Vancouver symbolized simplicity. I didn’t have to worry about getting a job, learning how to be an adult, or not failing my Chem midterms. That’s why I associate the playful, carefree times of my life to “Our Own House” -- the song stands for the simplicity I yearn for now.

2. Hong Kong | 7.7.07 -- Grimes, “Realiti”

The fishing boats, the high-rise buildings, the flashing lights -- Hong Kong has been a frequent destination for me and my family, and it still blows my mind every time I visit. “Realiti” symbolizes the rush of adrenaline and energy I feel every time I look at the Hong Kong skyline.

3. London, United Kingdom | 6.24.11 -- Ellie Goulding, “This Love (Will Be Your Downfall)”

London has always been one of my favorite cities to visit in Europe, aside from Rome and Amsterdam. It’s gritty, it’s trendy, it’s dynamic; it strikes a sweet balance between eclectic and sophisticated. No street is the same. “This Love” reminds me that you can still find peace within London’s urban commotion.

4. Cancun, Mexico | 12.25.11 -- BØRNS, “Electric Love”

Eighth grade: only slightly before I had to deal with AP classes, SAT prep, and college applications. Way before I had to deal with bell curves, existential crises, and Donald Trump. To me, Cancun reminds me of better, less stressful times. I could climb temples and run through sandy beaches without a heavy burden of stress on my shoulders. And, “Electric Love” is enough to make me relive that over again.

5. Bali, Indonesia | 12.31.15 -- Yuna, “Tourist”

For some reason, I always end up in tropical places right in the middle of stressful situations. I visited Bali during winter break, right after I finished all my college applications (read: death). Throughout that chaotic period of senior year, I would play “Tourist” on loop because, for some reason, it calmed me down. But, in Bali, it took on a different meaning. It symbolized my love for travel.

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