Feminism Is A Crisis That Is Sweeping The Nation
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Feminism Is A Crisis That Is Sweeping The Nation

It's ruining the 21st century.

Feminism Is A Crisis That Is Sweeping The Nation

I sat at my computer the other night, glaring at a daunting blank page. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to write about for my very first Odyssey article.


Black Lives Matter?


No. Those were all too hot to write about right from the get-go.

So, after a strenuous elimination process, it hit me! Feminism! A good friend of mine had written an article about the F word (Feminism).

Her and I constantly discuss and bicker over this specific topic. She is a very strong feminist who stands firmly in her beliefs, which I can respect because she is passionate. She is also the person who got me into writing these articles.

Without her, I wouldn't have this platform to express my ideas. So, feminists can be good!

But oh those feminists… a hollow shell of what they once were. The earliest stages of feminism can be traced back to the late 19th century.

These women were oppressed and treated like property rather than the intellectual and beautiful humans they were.

Liberated slaves, and other people of color had the right to vote before the woman. So what did they do?

They gathered up, created a force to be reckoned with, and created a movement. The women's suffrage movement served to allow women to vote, and was notably led by Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Alice Paul and other notable figures.

They eventually succeeded, and more movements have sprung up from their initial struggle.

Fast-forward 120 years to today, and you'll see that things have changed drastically. Women hold positions of power, whether they be at the top of corporate chains, or representatives in our federal government, but there's a problem… feminists believe they are still being oppressed in this day in age.

When I had heard this, I had to take it as a joke. It is 2017, and no person I have asked has been able to answer a simple question: “What rights do women NOT have?”

I've heard responses such as, “equal pay,” but that’s a myth brought on by the left to turn women into victims.

Feminism has changed, as many other things in this country have.

The image of feminism is not women like Susan B Anthony, but the triggered SJW with dyed hair, hairy legs and armpits, facial piercings, and #notmypresident in their social media bios.

Trump is your president, by the way.

If you have been lucky enough to encounter one of these individuals, you may have been yelled at, told you were incompetent, a misogynist, or a pig.

People surely understand where this image comes from. Liberals know what it's like to generalize.

The general consensus among the hippies is that Trump supporters are “white xenophobic racists.”

Although, it isn't true; I'm living proof of it. Feminists, on the other hand, make it easy to create an image of a crazy triggered chick who must be addressed as they/them, and becomes loud and violent when someone expresses their discontent with feminism.

I know it may seem weird, but women have enough freedoms to express themselves in that strange manner. I mean, these are the same people burning flags and welcoming refugees with open arms, regardless of vetting.

For many reasons, feminism in the United States is one of the biggest jokes I have ever seen in my life.

There are women in the middle east being burned with acid for dressing immodestly, and you think you're oppressed?

There are women being stoned to death for premarital sex, and you think you're oppressed?

Women in parts of Africa have their genitalia mutilated by men, and you think you're oppressed?

I could understand if maybe there were feminist movements in places like that, but the United States seems to be the only country going over the top in fighting for “Women's Rights.”

I could be wrong, and maybe things are like that here. Maybe if I burned a showgirl with acid for being half naked, it'd be okay.

What's that?

Oh, the United States does not allow that?

Damn, I could've sworn women had less rights!

That was sarcasm by the way.

I mean if you don’t like the USA and think you’re being treated badly here, be my guest to hop on a plane to one of the other countries where feminism is very much needed.

Oh, no?

Hm, it's almost as if feminism isn't for women as a whole, but for yourself and to feel better about yourself in safe spaces on college campuses.

But hey, what do I know?

And another thing that never fails to perplex me is why any religious women associate themselves with feminism.

One of the basic premises, whether it be the Bible or the Quran, is that women are lesser beings who must be submissive to the will of men.


I'm not a religious expert, but I've read into the Bible and found many scriptures to contain sexist content.

And it also doesn't take a genius to know that women are oppressed in Islam.

Think about it, in some countries women are punished for showing even the slightest bit of ankle.

But… feminists support Islam AND feminism.

Like, if you're a feminist… aren't you supposed to be against that kind of stuff? I mean it is a bit confusing for me, but like I said, I don't get it.

It’s fine, though; this isn’t the first time feminists are confused about something. As of today, their entire ideology is screwed up, so I don’t blame them.

Feminism has also become an anti-male ideology that blames men for all of the problems that they face.

I mean, surely people cannot refute the fact that there are double standards as it pertains to intersex violence and portrayal.

If a woman hits a man in public, it is often seen as humorous by people in the area: “Ha, look at that guy getting beat up by a chick!”

Oh, but as soon as the man defends himself and strikes the woman back, all hell breaks loose; anyone around will rush to the rescue to save the damsel in distress.

Give me a break!

Please take the time to look at this video exposing the double standards in men and women.

Next, in this tweet is a video of a victim of domestic abuse being laughed at by a live studio audience.

And readers, don't be close minded. Look at the facts. It's video evidence right in your faces.

I do not believe women are inferior to men; in fact I believe the complete opposite.

I believe women are equal to men and can do anything they set their minds to.

All in all, I think feminism is something the United States can definitely do without.

There is no glass ceiling; women can become anything they want to!

But it always is the women who don't agree with current third wave feminism who get to the highest points.

People like Angela Merkel and Carly Fiorina.

Yeah, a former CEO and the chancellor of one of the richest countries on Earth.

People like Hillary Clinton, a feminist, will always make up a glass ceiling, and never become greater than what they are.

Thanks a lot, feminism!

Women, stop victimizing yourself and blaming men for your problems, and go empower yourself through success.

Nobody said life was easy, so stop expecting to be entitled to things because you're a woman!

It's sad, and by the way,Trump hasn't taken away any of your rights.


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