'Silence': A Test of Faith, A Test of Humanity
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'Silence': A Test of Faith, A Test of Humanity

A film review of 'Silence.'

'Silence': A Test of Faith, A Test of Humanity

The worst punishment is not physical but is, in fact, mental. This is a theme that is deeply explored in Martin Scorcese's Silence. Although this film has not received a great deal of recognition, it is definitely a movie that deserves more time and attention from today's audience. Silence follows two priests, Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Garupe (Adam Driver), as they travel to Japan in search of their revered mentor in Christianity Ferreira (Liam Neeson). This story primarily takes place in Japan during the 17th century. During this time, Christianity was not accepted by the Japanese government, and was highly restricted. Any individual found to be practicing the Christian faith was prosecuted, tortured, and killed. Of course, individuals who believed in God were given the opportunity to denounce their ways by stepping upon a religious carving made in the image of Jesus Christ. This served as a physical way of dismissing the Christian faith, and seemed satisfying to the Japanese government for it was a form of disrespect to Christianity.

This was the world Rodrigues and Garupe were about the enter, and as a result of their quest to find Ferreira, their faith would be tested to the fullest extent. As with all of Scorcese's films, the cinematography was phenomenal and included many wide shots that truly thrust his viewer into the landscape. Japan was painted to be a truly cold, Godless place. The audience seemed to be riding on Rodrigues' shoulder, as he attempted to encourage the Japanese peasants to believe in God with pride and without hesitation. He and Garupe saw the fear in their eyes, and could intensely feel their pain and sorrow. They truly believed in Christianity, but were forced to practice their faith in secret, so as to safeguard their own lives from their tyrannical government. As Rodrigues and Garupe progressed further into their journey, they found themselves separated and captured. Garupe appears very little in the story following capture, but his role still remains significant in reference to staying true to his faith. Rodrigues held firm in what he believed in, but he was treated more civilly than his counterpart. Regardless, this civility adorned upon him was false in every sense, for he was forced to hear his followers be tortured and killed for their beliefs. He was, essentially, being blackmailed into denouncing God and his faith through the lives of innocent people who chose to believe in his teachings.

Keeping this in mind, the appearance of Rodrigues is very similar to that of Jesus. He has long, brown hair, a beard, kind eyes, and a certain resilience to those who oppose his beliefs. Furthermore, he also has a following of people who struggle and are oppressed by a violent government. They are punished simply for thinking differently, but continue to follow Rodrigues as a way to be dutiful servants of God. Another aspect of Rodrigues that is similar to Jesus, is he has a certain capacity to forgive those who do not truly deserve forgiveness. One character consistently appears throughout the movie. He seems to a pitiful creature and quite annoying, at first, but when reviewing this comparison he becomes a vital aspect to the character of Father Rodrigues. Despite the man constantly bending to the will of the Japanese government and denouncing Christianity, Rodrigues manages to push aside his hatred of the man and forgive him for his wrongs. He listens to the man's sorrow and regret just as any dutiful servant of God should, and never falters in providing advice and empathy. As the film goes on, Rodrigues is consistently tested in his faith, and is fighting the realization that people are sacrificing themselves for him to remain true to his vow to God. He is later faced with a decision to act as Christ did and sacrifice himself to save many. This will become a pivotal moment in his life, and will remain with him until he draws his final breath. Ferreira does make a timely appearance in this film, and appears to represent the man Rodrigues could become.

In reality, it is very hard to review this film without spoiling a great deal of the plot. In simplistic terms, this is a very difficult movie to watch. For me, this is not so much in terms of content, but more so due to the length and progression of the story itself. Although I realize this is characteristic of Scorcese's films, this is a very long and slow movie. There are not many parts that encourage you to sit on the edge of your seat, but when those moments arrive you are truly flabbergasted at what you are experiencing. I will say, each and every scene possesses an extreme attention to detail. Silence has a great deal many themes which deserve greater analysis and attention on the part of the viewer. In reality, this film requires the attention of a patient and critical viewer, and also one that is more open-minded to differing ideas on religion. Scorcese has effectively captured the greater themes of Christianity when it trespasses across the borders of foreign cultures. This film draws attention to a more radical idea of Christianity imposing itself upon other cultures, and causing great disorganization and chaos among foreign populations. It also focuses on testing one's faith to the fullest extent, and draws attention to the human flaw of pity for the less fortunate. Furthermore, it draws upon the vital aspect of human nature to survive, for there are very few individuals who would actually sacrifice themselves in the name of an idea.

All in all, a very good and insightful film made for the patient viewer. I am truly surprised that this film has received little to no attention, but then again, I understand why. It is a shame that not many audiences will take the time to see a film that is not fully garnished with action and suspense. Regardless, this is a film that everyone should see at least once in their lifetime to simply reconnect with the idea that many fight and die for what they believe in. These are the unsung heroes of society.

Score: 8/10

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