Procrastination is something all college students have mastered throughout the years. We all wait until the last minute to write our five-page paper that was assigned two months ago. We think we have better things to be doing rather than our homework, but when it comes down to it college is all about school work. So instead of scrolling YouTube to find a funny video to distract yourself, think about all the thoughts that will run through your mind when you figure out just how much work you actually have to do.
1. CRAP. I have SO much to do.
You definitely should not have waited to start your paper and lab write up the night before they're due. I understand Facebook and Twitter are tempting, but you now have a stack of homework the height of Mt. Everest and three cups of coffee by your side.
2. I can totally finish this by tomorrow morning.
You start off the late night by thinking if you have enough determination, you'll be able to finish all your projects in no time. You'll plan your night by grabbing some popcorn and camping out at your desk. You'll soon begin to realize that you probably won't get any sleep tonight.
3. I have HOW many hours left?!
Panic starts to set in as you realize it's now 2 o'clock in the morning, and you've only finished two out of the five pages. You start to become discouraged when you realize you're only leaving yourself with six more hours to finish everything else you have to do. Knowing that sleep is no longer in the picture stresses you out even more.
4. Wow, this paper is actually garbage.
You now wish you didn't leave this paper until the night before because it is clearly not your best work. You hope for at best a B+, but you know your professor is a tough grader, and she doesn't stand for sloppy work. Also the fact that you have slim to no knowledge on the essay topic REALLY helps your situation.
5. HELP.
You realize you have overestimated your abilities to finish all your homework and pure panic takes over. You wish you weren't assigned immense amounts of work from each class and regret not having better time management. But sure enough you finish that five-page paper and move onto the next project.
6. Is it too late to drop this class or ...?
Dropping the class would be easier than finishing your lab write-up, right? It's now 4 o'clock in the morning, and you're struggling to keep your droopy eyes open. Is sleep more important or is a mediocre grade? You contemplate the decision and go with the mediocre grade.
7. I've got this, I've come so far.
You get a burst of energy and drive to finish your lab work. Nothing can get in your way now. You fly through the pages and finish it just as the sun is rising. The satisfaction you feel is nothing compared to the 20 minutes of sleep you're going to get.