Eight Bad Habits of College Students | The Odyssey Online
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Eight Bad Habits of College Students

Kick those bad habits goodbye!

Eight Bad Habits of College Students

We all have those little things we know we shouldn't do, but can't seem to quite get rid of. Lucky for those of us who have gained bad habits during our college experience, we are not alone. Check out some of the worst habits that you can develop as a collegiate and how to break them. 

1. Not getting enough sleep.

Lack of sleep plagues college students for a variety of reasons including noise, extracurricular activities, increased school work and roommates. It is important to get enough sleep because without it you may have bad judgement, bad moods, bad memory, bad health AND bad grades.

How to break: Create a comfortable sleep environment, exercise daily, maintain a nutritious diet, keep a regular sleep schedule--even on weekends and relax near bedtime. And yes, that means putting all electronics away.

2. Pulling all-nighters.

It starts off so innocent. Its 11 p.m. and you are still working on that paper. Or catching up on your favorite Netflix series. But when you are finally going to bed and your roommate is up to go to the gym, you have hit the point of no return. Staying up all night doesn't do your body any favors and can be difficult to break.

How to break: Schedule out every day of the week, including breaks, to avoid late-nights and set your toolbar to block certain websites so that your productivity levels are higher during the day

3. Endless snacking.

We have all done it. Studying, watching TV or just out of pure boredom we consume an abundance of calories. Snacking 'round the clock leads to more serious problems in the future.

How to break: Keep only healthy snacks within reach such as carrots, cucumber slices, yogurt, and almonds. Don't stock your desk with unhealthy foods you know you cannot resist.

4. Loading up on caffeine. 

Need a cup or two or ten to get started in the morning? Now is the time to admit the fact that you are addicted to caffeine. Many of us have brainwashed ourselves into believing that we need caffeine to wake up or to keep us going. Caffeine causes havoc on our nervous systems.

How to break: Get more sleep, switch to decaffeinated beverages, and change your morning routine to skip coffee--fill your time with another activity!

5. Skipping breakfast.

We all have been told 6578651465798453789+ times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but as college students we decide that we don't have enough time. Breakfast gives you the boost of energy that ALL college students need for the day.

How to break: Have healthy breakfast foods ready for when you are on the run. If you are in a hurry, try items such as a piece of fruit, yogurt, cereal bars and smoothies.

6. Excessive drinking.

It is no surprise that college students participate in binge drinking. Rather than having a few brews, many choose to drink excessively. The consequences of binge drinking can be deadly.

How to break: Before the night starts, give yourself a limit on how much you are going to drink or consider finding another way to unwind.

7. Procrastination.

Most college students are pros at procrastinating. It does our GPA no favor when we hold off on assignments, studying for tests and writing papers.  

How to break: Write down the tasks you need to accomplish--make a to do list and invest in a planner to keep track of daily/weekly assignments.

8. Nonactive.

One of the most common reasons people give for not exercising is that they're too busy and don't have enough time. Investing in your health now, will lead to a healthier future.

How to break: As said by the famous Woody Allen, "Half of life is showing up," so reward yourself for going. Next, make it fun and enjoy yourself at the gym. Lastly, get a buddy. Having a social aspect to exercising can boost your commitment to exercising consistently.

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