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What to bring with you and what to kick to the curb as you prepare to part from your 4-year, parent safety padded, college education.


"HEY ALEXA, PLAY MARVINS ROOM," I whisper as tears stream down my face while I watch my Snapchat memories from the past 4 years.

College is winding down to an end for this ol gal and there are a few things that as a senior in college I want to reflect on as I embark on the ~next stage of my life~. There are also A LOT of things in my college career (and I'm sure in yours too) that need deciphering on whether we should bring them to the next city or apartment we are embarking on. Here is your departing-college packing list filled with items for you to check off.



When it comes down to it should I pack that "White Claw Olympics Winner" crown and the plethora of plastic darty glasses that are sitting on the ground by my closet?

I guess the real question is what do we wear after college? Do I get to keep my crop tops or get rid of them to make room for blazers? Can I keep all these sweats?

It's probably time to give the over-sized frat shirts and retro jerseys to Goodwill. But if I know one thing, I'm keeping my shoes.



Throw the live laugh love sign and the HomeGoods mass-produced canvases in the trash.

Honestly, I think maybe college decor should stay in college? Unless we want to pack the sharpie covered florescent traffic sign in our suitcase. That's a no from me dawg.



Ah the passage of college friends and college "relationships". The relationships we make in college are interesting, you have the people you know you'll never see again and you don't really seem to care. But on the other hand, you have the people you can't imagine not seeing every day for the rest of your life.

Check off your ride or dies and leave the remainders with those command strips on your walls, for your landlord to deal with.



Mentally, we are bringing positivity and openmindedness into our new beginnings. And, on the contrary, we are leaving the sorority bullsh*t drama at the chapter house sis.

Physically, we are taking on responsibility my dudes! Continue your daily trips to the gym and don't forget to chug that water bottle before you run out the door.



When it comes to eating let's try cooking more, and less Chinese and Jimmy Johns delivery mmkay? It's a big step but I think we can do it. And by cooking I do not mean ramen, leave that in your college "pantry".

Now, the inevitable binge drinking: I am not going to say leave it in college because let's be real here. Tequila Tuesday, Wine Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, we love to see a good bender but must the weekend binge drinking begin the day after it ends? Let us at least leave those Burnetts bottles on top of the kitchen cabinets up there and give Titos a try, older you the morning after will thank me.

I think I understand 5th years now.

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