Self worth
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Self worth

The key to a happy and comprehensive life

Self worth
Woman looking in the mirror
  • Mark Twain once said "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why" no one on the face of this earth is a mistake you were created for a reason therefore you have worth you have a purpose and while some may already know there's others do not which is why it is important to seek God and find out why you're here and what you are here for. No one is born believing they're a screw up or a nobody those harsh feelings towards themselves are formed in the mind, yes our small finite and limited minds have that power but who gives it to them? Our minds are like a remote control t's in our hands we are controlling it and each button has a specific purpose of our choosing, one button may be confidence and when that button is pushed our mind receives a boost of self assurance while another button may be worthlessness and we can all guess what a push of that button will do. But what makes us lose control of the remote what makes us feel unworthy when we want to feel confident? Simple answer.. it's who we give the remote to and I can be transparent with you and tell you it's all satan. But you'd probably wonder why would I give access of my mind to satan? Technically we don't but we have the tendency to give it to other people which then gives access to the devil. Confused? When someone hurts you or bullies you or does anything that makes you question if you're enough you become vulnerable, you give that person the remote to your mind and you begin to wonder why me? What did I do to deserve this? Was I not good enough? He or she looks better than me, smarter than me. What can I do to change? And every time you look in the mirror it's like that worthlessness button on the remote keeps getting pushed over and over again and you want to feel worthy but you can't.. you don't. And satan God's adversary who hates Him and hates everything he created will use that to torment you. But God tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made which brings me to this.. man or woman boy or girl you are worthy. You are more than enough and there's no one like you God made sure of that when he created you so you are unique you are special you are extraordinary. loving yourself does not mean you are condescending or cocky, however we shouldn't be too full of ourselves that we lose sight of the fact that we are not better than anyone, we are simply not the same so yes love yourself, love the heck out of yourself but be humble in doing so. There is nothing wrong with self confidence, when someone takes your remote or attempts to do so don't let them. Guard your mind, when feelings of worthlessness start to unravel find a mirror wherever you are and tell yourself "I am strong, I am beautiful or I am handsome, I am worth it even with tears in your eyes.. make yourself love yourself so much that anyone can do and say anything and you'll never lose sight of who you are.. and in the end it is you who wins. Men, you are the heads. No I don't mean superior to women but you were made to protect, defend, which seems like you should be confident and never let your guard down, but sometimes you do.. you will and that's okay you are human. You aren't just an escape or a pawn you weren't made to be used but to be loved and understood, supported. Society may look at you as pathetic or harrowing when you are down but you are not, when you are weak God is strong for you and with the right woman by your side she will be there to lift up your head and remind you of the king that you are, not tear you down and make you feel worse and if she does make you feel like you can't be weak around her then you're with the wrong woman.. and if you haven't found the right one yet, it's ok single isn't a bad thing it's basically a time period God uses to make you into the man he wants you to be just for the woman he wants you to be with, you are in the midst of redefinition, and you may be thinking this girl is crazy i am a man and i know my worth blah blah get off your high horse for a minute and listen.. if you find yourself pushing away and hurting every woman that tries to love you or just using women as a means of satisfaction never allowing yourself to open up to anyone well i hate to break it to you but this is for you because you have lost sight of your worth and who you are, you make these irrational decisions because deep down you feel unworthy and alone.. you have to want to change to actually be able to change so that when push comes to shove when you begin to feel like a victim and feel unworthy you have to make it up in your mind that you are not and once you make that decision you're already there. Be strong. Be a defender. A protector. Be all God has made you to be and when the time comes that you feel weak remember who you were created to be and that is how you will discover your purpose. Ladies, we deal with it all the time.. "she's prettier than me, she's smarter, funnier" she may be all those things but she is not you. As women, God created us to love, nurture. Eve was made from Adams rib. His side. The right man will see you as his partner not just something to make him feel good but rather make him feel better, make him better. A strong woman who knows her worth has the power to kill a man's ego there is nothing wrong with you and if a man makes you feel that there is you are with a weak man. Always remember God knows who he has picked out for you and as I said earlier if you're single he's preparing you for him knowing that you two will fit together perfectly. He will know how to love you how to take care of you and how you will make his life so much better. What you can do until then is be happy and wait, you already know the worth of the wait, what about yourself? If you know you're waiting for the perfect man how can you be the perfect woman for him if you don't see your worth? You can't give him what he needs if you can't give yourself what you need. Love yourself. Never feel inferior to anyone especially a man. Do not let failed relationships or rejection cloud your worth instead remind yourself that not everyone deserves you and your heart. Only one person was made to. So begin a new journey on finding out your purpose, who you are. Allow God to show you. Ask him to show you. He will. Your life and your worth is not over just because you were rejected or cast out, like I said not everyone deserves a spot in your life and if God created everyone and everything don't you realize that he knows everyone's heart, everyone's intentions? He knows when someone is not worthy enough to have you. Trust that. Trust him. You are the apple of his eye. He cherishes every inch of your soul. He knows how many hairs you have on your head. He is amazed when your eyes blink. He is astonished every time you smile as if he never knew how you smiled. He absolutely adores you. Now.. Just imagine the man/woman he has for you they are not going to love you any less than he does. Think about it, He loves us so much that He will never allow us to settle. The only problem is you looking at yourself differently. If only we all seen ourselves through the eyes of God.. then would we experience true happiness and satisfaction. And you know what? We can we absolutely can and it's up to us to do so. Learn to be independent, don't depend on people or things for happiness just be happy. Learn to love who you are go live your life beautifully, you don't need someone as a conduit of happiness. You can live your best life and be happy all on your own. Life can seem so twisted sometimes and ironically we have to go through the hurt and disappointment to get to our best days because only then will you value and appreciate that moment and only then will you realize the strength and confidence you've gained along the way. So if you feel alone and unworthy feeling as if your life has no meaning rest assured that some of the best days of your life haven't even happened yet and I know sometimes it looks like nothing is gonna change but if you just change your perspective and look at a bad situation as a chance to grow I promise life will be so much easier, you will be happy in your own skin. You are not alone, we are all equal and God loves us all the same. I challenge you to change the way you see yourself even if you have to wake up every morning and remind yourself how worthy you are do it and watch your life dramatically change. Your best life starts now, are you ready?
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