Although many of us spend our time studying here at the U of A, we tend to forget that do live in the desert, and with the desert comes the many strange yet familiar species of plants that we know as cactus. Cactus, have always been around her in the desert, simply minding their own business for the most part, unless of course they prick you with those things that they call thorns. As familiar as they are, let's not forget that there are many different types of these that we may not know about and that they each have a mind of their own.
Yes I am the tall one that is always pictured in magazines, postcards, and all of the other weird forms of advertising that you humans seem to come up with. For the thousandth time, my g is pronounced like a h. It's not that hard people! Anyways, I'm kind of a big deal around here. I can admit that I am usually the tallest one out of the group and the views are amazing. However, those cactus wren are ruin my day though. They call it making a home for their young but I call home invasion. After all, they are pecking into my side. Talk about a headache!
Prickly Pear Cactus
I am prickly but looking like a pear? I'll have to disagree. I am most definitely the cutest out of my friends, especially when my flowers come out. However, I still can be nasty if you touch me so don't underestimate me. I do make some pretty sweet fruit though, so if you know how to behave around me you can try to make some sort of jam out of it, assuming the birds don't beat you to them.
Jumping Cholla
I'll admit, I can pack a mean punch and I do like to mess with people. I'm like a bug zapper and the humans hands are the bugs. I mean, it's hilarious to me that you'll do anything you are dared to do. So go ahead, touch one of my needles. Don't get mad at me when I start laughing hysterically at your pain. I'm COVERED in the things. Who in their right mind would touch me? As funny as it can be, I do tend to get lonely though.
Barrel Cactus
Yeah I know I'm not exactly the most exciting of my friends but I think I am the friendliest at least. If my buddy saguaro needs help doing his taxes I am there to help, as I am very well-rounded when it comes to me fiscal responsibilities. I am very down to Earth as well and it's not just because of my stumpy size. Did you know honey bee populations are decreasing drastically around the world? Talk about a bummer, who will pollinate Prickly Pear's flowers? That my friends, is one of the real issues here, not what Kanye has been doing with Kim.