​8. He was just really annoying oh my godddddd | The Odyssey Online
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11 Times Ross Geller Was Actually The Worst Character Of All Time

One Geller is enough for me.

Ross Geller

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Ross Geller is by far one of the most annoying TV characters in existence and honestly most of the time I wish he wasn't even on the cast. I know some people don't like Phoebe but I think Ross wins the award for most obnoxious, hands down. Here are some of the reasons he really seems to get under my skin.

1. He literally started an "I Hate Rachel Club" in high school

I know we're all immature, but come on Ross

​2. He didn't accept Ben wanting to play with traditionally "feminine" toys

Yeah it was the 90s but at least Carol and Susan were forward thinking.

​3. He was so possessive

He was so cringey with Elizabeth, it made me sick.

​4. He actually owned a monkey as a pet

And then he was surprised when Marcel started maturing and idk, acting like a typical monkey?

​5. He was lowkey homophobic tbh

He had issues with Carol and Susan, Sandy the nanny, and any time someone teased he might not be straight.

​6. He was a cheater through and through

He cheated with Rachel when he was with Julie and he cheated on Rachel with the girl from the copy place and he's just a skeevy man.

​7. He was such a snob, like about everything

He was a grammar nazi and just a general know-it-all, ew.

​8. He was just really annoying oh my godddddd

Like honestly, just thinking about him makes me annoyed.

​9. He was so immature

For being an educated adult, he really is lacking in some key areas

​10. That one time he literally lost his damn mind because someone ate his Thanksgiving sandwich

He truly went off the deep end

​11. He held Rachel back from going to Paris and living her dream

She would have THRIVED in Paris away from his manipulative ass and I'm so sad Rachel didn't get the ending she deserved because of how selfish Ross was.

Clearly, I have some issues with Ross as a character but I will continue to rewatch Friends a million times regardless of the fact that he bugs me so much. The show is just too good to stay away.

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