Star Wars: Battlefront has released new DLC content for season pass holders in honor of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’s release! The package comes stuffed with two new weapons, four new maps set on planet Scarif (to be seen in the film this week) and a new hero and villain to play as in all game modes!
Battlefront puts gamers right in the middle of their wildest Star Wars fantasies. From taking down Walkers on the icy planet of Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back to recreating the epic final battle between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader on the Death Star from The Return Of The Jedi , Battlefront has no limits.
The Rogue One content only adds to that experience, and it has me even more excited to see the film, as if that were even possible!
I think it is safe to say that the best part of the DLC is the addition of both the hero and the villain of the upcoming film: Jyn Erso, the Rebellion’s fiery new recruit, and Director Orson Krennic, an evil Imperial officer that wants nothing more than to stand next to the Emperor at his throne.
Erso, portrayed by Felicity Jones, looks amazing in-game, and playing as her is so much fun.
Armed with the A180 Blaster Pistol, and the kind of spirit that drives the Rebellion, Erso is a force to be reckoned with - Stormtroopers beware! Erso's blaster doubles as a cannon that can fire quick and powerful successive shots to take out multiple enemies at a time. She also comes with flash-bang grenades (which are great until you are the Stormtrooper she just threw one at) and has the ability to chain up to nine melee attacks in a row - a feat no other hero or villain in the game can perform.
Despite Erso’s ability to perform in combat, she may be no match for Director Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn).
Krennic utilizes the DT-29 Heavy Blaster, which functions much like a revolver and is excellent for the expert marksman. Krennic can also convert his weapon into another, though his is no cannon - his blaster transforms into a tiny machine capable of firing heavy artillery. One shot from this bad-boy can take out three Rebel Soldiers that just happened to be standing too close together.
Krennic can deploy an astromech droid-squad shield to protect his troopers from distant fire and grant his nearby soldiers with heavy armor against regular blaster fire. Like Princess Leia and the Emperor, Krennic can spawn bodyguards, only these ones carry thermal imploders with them. One of the most powerful explosives in the game, this is the type of explosive that can win or lose matches depending on the wielder.
Scarif may seem like a beautiful tropical planet, but all of that glamour disappears when the sounds of blaster bolts and explosions fill the air as the Rebellion and the Empire go toe-to-toe. Scarif has been brought to life on the screens of gamers all around, but we will have to wait until Thursday to see what really brought both sides of the Galactic Civil War to this planet.