Why Robin and Steve Are The Best Part of Stranger Things 3 | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons Why Robin and Steve Are the Best Part of Stranger Things Season 3

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7 Reasons Why Robin and Steve Are the Best Part of Stranger Things Season 3
Teen Vogue

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If you're like me and binged watched all of Stranger Things Season 3 the moment it came out on July 4th, then you most likely fell in love with the newest, yet most wholesome friendship of the entire series - that between Robin and Steve.

The audience is first introduced to Robin in the first episode of the season, in which it is revealed that she works with our favorite mom/babysitter/hair-god, Steve Harrington, at Scoops Ahoy in the new Starcourt Mall. Throughout the season, the audience is treated to the evolution of their friendship - from the time it was an "acquaintanceship" built from convenience due to their shared occupations, to the end of the season, when their friendship was built upon a life or death experience, personal confessions, and ultimately a platonic admiration of one another.

So, here are 5 reasons why Robin and Steve are the best part of Stranger Things 3.

1. Their chemistry is obvious.


Robin and Steve, though very different individuals, seem to have complementary personalities that make for great chemistry. From witty banter in the workplace to touching heart to hearts in what seems like their last moments (probably due to being captives in the hands of Russians), they truly show that they function well together. I'm not really sure if I can ever picture Steve without Robin as a friend from now on.

2. They perfectly embody the platonic friendship.


Today, it seems that a guy and a girl can't be friends without developing some sort of romantic feelings for one another along the way.

Yet, Robin and Steve show that platonic friendships between guys and girls do in fact exist. It was refreshing to see that a great on-screen friendship between two members of the opposite sex could remain, well a friendship, and not be morphed into an unneeded romance.

3. They offer most of the comic relief of the season.


Steve Harrington was hilarious on his own in Season 2. Now, imagine him with an on-screen female counterpart. Double the hilarity. I don't know how, but even at the hands of torture by the Russians, Robin and Steve had the ability to make me laugh.

4. Robin's character was a breath of fresh air.


This goes back to why Steve and Robin's platonic friendship is so refreshing. In one of the final episodes of the seasons, it is revealed that Robin is a lesbian who had a crush on Tammy Thompson, a girl from high school who, at the same time, had a crush on Steve. It is refreshing to see a member of the LGBTQ community being represented on screen.

Not only that, but she really just provides a different perspective to the show in general, acting as an alternative girl who finds interests in pop culture not already emphasized in prior seasons.

5. Robin helps Steve to continue to grow as a person, away from his Season 1 persona.

The Daily Dot

Robin doesn't candy coat Steve's old persona, mentioning a few times that the Steve she knew in high school was a "douche-bag."

She helps Steve forget unimportant social constructs, such as popularity, and allows the audience to see him as an accepting individual. When Steve embraces Robin for who she is, it shows that he has a depth to him that was not present in previous seasons.

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