For college students, summer can get quite boring without the usual busy weeks and party laden weekends. If you're stuck trying to think of something fun to do with your friends on a long, hot summer night, here are some ideas!
1. Slip and Slide Flip Cup
Combining your favorite childhood summer activity with an adult favorite, Slip and Slide Flip Cup is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. To play, simply set up a Slip and Slide (can be store bought or a tarp coated with dish soap and water) and then set up a Flip Cup table at the end of the tarp. Assemble to teams in front of two (or one giant) Slip and Slide mats, take turns slipping and sliding down the tarp then stand up quickly, chug your beer, flip your cup, and run back to the end of the line, tagging in the next player.
2. Human Hungry Hungry Hippo
To play this legendary game, find a large space that would be easy for wheels to roll on (a basketball court seems to be the best option). Place some small-ish colorful balls in the middle of the floor. Each team should consist of two players. One player lays belly down on a scooter (the flat kind from elementary school gym) or a skateboard and hold a rectangular laundry basket. The other player holds the player on the scooter's feet and acts as the navigator. When the ref says "go" each team tries to capture as many balls from the middle in his or her basket and then stashes those balls in their designated corner of the room. At the end, each team's balls are counted and the team with the most balls wins.
A charming mixture of beer pong and cornhole. Need I say more?
4. Water Balloon Dodgeball
It's dodgeball... with water balloons. What could be better on a hot summer's day? Bonus: Turn it into a drinking game by establishing a rule that says that any player hit by a balloon can get back in the game by chugging a beer.
5. Giant Beer Pong
Beer Pong using trash cans and large balls. Bigger is always better, right?
Don't waste your summer sitting around being bored. Grab some friends, get out, and try some of these ridiculously fun games!