I love my job. Despite all its ups and downs, I love what I do and I do what I love. The people I work with make it all that much better.
That being said, I can't say there haven't been times I've wanted to rip my hair off and run for the hills. Some days are better than others, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Here are 24 thoughts every retail manager has during their long, 8-hour shift:
1. *Clocks in* "Anotha day, anotha dolla!"

2. *10 minutes later* "What time is it? Am I off now?"

3. "How close are we to our sales plan today?"

4. "No, we don't have that in that size."

5. "And no, we don't have anymore sizes in the back."

6. "I don't know why we have the same shirt for full price and in clearance. I don't make the prices, I just sell the dang clothes."

7. "What the f*ck is this?"

8. "No, seriously. What is this? Did someone just sh*t in our fitting room?"

9. "No, ma'am. That is not on sale."

10. "No. That is not on sale either."


12. "That sign's for SWEATERS not DRESSES."

13. "I'm hungry. What am I going to eat on my break?"

14. "Ooo, this is cute. I wonder how much it'd be with my discount."

15. "OK, so it's 4:15 PM. That means there's only 35 minutes left till my break."

16. "OK, I'm back. Time to think of a game plan so I can have a good close tonight."


18. "OK, they're gone. I scared them off."


20. "Time to turn off the music aka GO HOME!"

21. "2 minutes till close..."

22. "1 minute till close..."

23. "YES! 9 on the dot!"

24. "OK, I'm just going to quickly close all the registers, finish up the closing procedures, and we can gtfo."

24. "Done! I'M FREEEE... Until tomorrow."

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