Religion and My Many Problems With it
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Religion and My Many Problems With it

My relationship with religion is a strained one at the best and a failed one at the worst

Religion and My Many Problems With it

As an atheist at a Methodist affiliated college, in the heart of a religious area, I have had quite a few conversations about my faith or lack thereof. My decision to be an atheist was not one I made over night but was one that I came to through a variety of life experiences. I was actually raised in a Christian house hold and attended church occasionally as a child with my family. When I was about 17 I became a confirmed Presbyterian but as it stands now I have no actual faith. Now this isn't due to a lack of spirituality but rather a series of problems I have with the Christian religion specifically. I would consider myself a pretty spiritual and open individual but, there are some things about the Christian religion that I simply cannot look past.

Now this paper is not meant to condemn those who practice a religion. Many of my friends are religious and I love them for that. This paper is just about discussing my personal struggles with religion.

Too Convenient

One of my biggest issues with the Christian religion specifically is the idea that Satan, this being of supreme evil and nearly unrivaled power, has nothing better to do than essentially work for God. My understanding of the bible is somewhat limited admittedly and I’ve only read it through fully on one occasion. However, when Lucifer descended into hell, bringing along with him the rest of the fallen angels, he essentially just agreed to continue to do God's bidding. Think about how convenient it is that a being of supreme evil has noting better to do than punish those people who sin and do not repent. He’s helping God by taking in those who are damned and punishing them eternally. In my mind having an evil being who is content doing the dirty work by cleaning up all those who can’t get into heaven is just a little too convenient to be believable, but that’s just my opinion.


This one is a big one for me. I have always felt that religion has tried to stand in the way of knowledge and for someone like myself that is simply not something I can accept. Let me give you a few examples that I have identified in which religion and the pursuit of knowledge didn’t get along. First amongst my examples is the Dark Ages and for those of you who don’t know this was one of the most perilous times in European history. War was rampant, plagues were common, technological advancement was stifled, but religion flourished. Science was called witchcraft and was deemed the work of the devil by many religious figures during the time. Due to this the Dark Ages is known as a time of scientific regression. Second on my list is the miles and miles of underground catacombs at the Vatican. These tunnels are located directly below the Vatican and contain thousands upon thousands of artifacts but the true number of things stored there is unknown. Do you know why it’s unknown? The answer is pretty simple, the Vatican does not allow anyone, including the pope, to enter those tunnels and examine the artifacts within. That’s right, miles upon miles of knowledge is stored up at the Vatican yet no one can use it. To me, any religion that suppresses information is not one that I can be apart of.


This is one of the most disheartening things about the Christian religion in my mind. The level of hypocrisy within some of the current followers of the Christian religion and the hypocrisy present in the religions years ago is astounding. Let’s use the LGBT community as an example. The Bible clearly states that “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22. This passage was used for years to denounce homosexuals. These people face persecution from the religious community for years and years. They were cast out of their homes, they were publicly humiliated, and they were stoned, and even killed because of that one line. However, the bible also states that ”So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 and “You shall not murder” Exodus 20:13. So by killing homosexuals Christians were violating the words of the bible much like homosexuals were but they weren’t punished for their acts of murder by their communities. Additionally is all men are made in the image of God than they are sacred and God has decided to make them the way they are. We know now that homosexuality is not a choice. Study upon study have shown it is due to chemical differences that fetuses experience in utero. This means that God has chosen to make these people homosexual meaning they are not an abomination and should face punishment or judgement because of their sexual orientation. Now knowing the science behind homosexuality leads me to question Leviticus 18:22. If God makes all people and we know scientifically being gay isn’t a choice then God makes people homosexual. However if he does that then why does he call them abominations in Leviticus 18:22, so is that passage wrong? Or do we assume that God doesn’t make all people and that Genesis 1:27 is untrue? Just some food for thought I guess.

Next and most current is the way some Christians have gone about denouncing refugees who are fleeing to our country. Here’s an interesting line “You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien; for you were aliens in the land of Egypt” Exodus 22:21. Now to me, it’s a little strange that most of the push for abandoning these refugees to die has come from the Christian Right. If all people are equal in the mind of God and if we must not mistreat aliens seeking refuge than how can Christians in good faith turn away refugees? Now I understand that many religious people are as appalled as I am with those who turn their backs on those refugees. However, I feel it worth noting that much of the push to expel these people is from self-proclaimed Christians.

Burn the witch

My last and final problem with the Christian religion is its past. The Church of Rome sponsored witch hunts, sacked Muslim cities, waged war on people they believed to be savages, and stifled science. They did this all with the Pope’s permission and will giving praise to God. I understand that no religion in its core belief is violent. However, I cannot deny and don’t think you can deny that Christians have done some awful things in the name of God. Now I know that some of you reading this are going to say “well Muslims terrorist do that too.” My response to you is simple. Muslim terrorist are fanatics that do not understand their religion and are condemned by the leaders of their religion. While Christians did these acts with the support of the Vatican, the highest power next to God. They were not considered religious fanatics during their time, but were exemplars of their religion. They performed exorcisms sponsored by the Church of Rome, they killed millions of Indians because they felt as if they were Gods chosen people, and they decided you couldn’t eat meat on certain days because the Popes friend who sold fish needed help making money. If you think that last example is fake I encourage you to look it up because it’s not.

I don’t have a problem with those who practice religion. I just can’t do it. That is a choice I have made and is one that I am content with. What I have written above is a culmination of my personal issues with Christianity and I don’t think they will ever be resolved.

Thank you for reading.

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