Rejection : the good, the bad and the ugly truth.
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Rejection : the good, the bad and the ugly truth.

A post about how to cope with rejection and the word we fear the most.

Rejection : the good, the bad and the ugly truth.

Every single day of our lives, we are told the word no. Do I have time for a coffee? No. Should I go shopping? No. Does this outfit make me look fat? GOD NO. When it's simple answers like these, then it is easy to hear the word no, but what about when it actually matters. Like, for a job opportunity or asking that special someone out. When a no comes from somewhere that matter to us, then it's a lot different.

I can relate to that statement all too well. I have been applying for jobs everywhere, it doesn't even have to be in my field, it just needs to be a job. Every single time, I get my hopes up about a new opportunity then life comes around and kicks me on my butt. Them, that ugly word no shows it's ugly head. I have been faced with more rejection these last couple of month, then I have in a very long time. Trust me when I say that it can be extremely taxing and mentally draining. There are 5,000 thoughts running through your head about your inability to make that next step in life. Unfortunately, rejection is apart of life, and it happens almost every single day. With that being said, how can you cope with it?

The solution is a lot easier said than done, but the best way is to accept the rejection and let it drive you. There will be times in your life when you get told no left and right, but how to handle that rejection is what it going to set you up for success. If you take the rejection and throw yourself a pity party then you are helping nobody. If you take that rejection and put it towards bettering your life, then you will be surprised at how much good can come from it.

Here are some examples that I think will resonate with the people reading this post. Let's say, that you applied for a job that you didn't think you would even get an interview for, but it's something you are very passionate about. A couple of weeks pass, and you get the news that you advanced to the next round. Then, you go onto the next round until you are a top candidate. When this happens, you get hit with a wave of emotions, and you finally feel like everything is paying off for you. You nail the final interview and convince yourself you have the job. Just to hear back a week later that they went with the other candidate for the position and now you are back to square one. What you do in that moment, will define the rest of your life. I know what you are thinking, 'Marissa, how can that minuscule moment define the rest of my life? The answer is plain and simple, because one decision in our lives can cause a snowball effect in the best or worst way possible.

So, that begs the question, which way do you want the snowball effect to take you? Do you want to sulk about not getting the job and then in turn be in a rut for months on end aka the negative snowball effect. Would you like to take the rejection as an opportunity for growth to work on the aspects that did not get you the job and realize there is something better for you down the road aka the positive snowball effect. I will say the negative is more appealing to a lot of people because you would rather feel upset about the rejection than happy, but the happy emotions will take you farther than you thought. Again, let that rejection drive you and in turn help you. From that moment you heard the word, 'no', let that take you to a place of bettering yourself. Take that momentum you have and put it into something positive aka yourself.

When you start to realize that the only way you can truly succeed in life is through hard work, dedication and a stable mind. Then you will not lose, or better yet, your perception of rejection will allow you to believe that you can never lose. Some closing thoughts on my end; rejection is something everyone has to deal with, it can be one of the best things for a person to hear, rejection doesn't have to be negative and mindset is everything when hearing the word NO. You are stronger than you ever give yourself credit for and letting yourself sink that low after being rejected isn't fair to the person you are or the person you are meant to become. So, get back on that horse and attack the next battle because that's all life is; an uphill battle.

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