Yes, Michael Scott should've been fired for sexual harassment early on in the series, but you're forgetting the show is satire | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons 'The Office' Is NOT The Most Overrated TV Show

False, it is the best TV show of all time.

10 Reasons 'The Office' Is NOT The Most Overrated TV Show

I'll come right out and say it: I am a die hard 'The Office' fan. It's probably my favorite show of all time. 98% of the references I make (and that my family makes) comes from this show, as I'm sure anyone who has watched it 27 times through like me can relate to. I understand not every show is for everyone, but I don't understand why 'The Office' get so much hate. So, to the person who wrote "10 Reasons 'The Office' Is The Most Overrated TV Show Available On Netflix," here are 10 reasons why 'The Office' is NOT the most overrated TV show on any platform:

Yes, Michael Scott should've been fired for sexual harassment early on in the series, but you're forgetting the show is satire

'The Office' is a satirical show depicting a "typical" toxic office in America. The show uses humor to show issues in the workplace to bring awareness to issues, by using humor and making it satirical the show aims to actually grab the attention of the audience and make them listen. Michael not being fired for his countless acts of sexual harassment is the primary way the show aims to show issues in the workplace. The show isn't about a perfect workplacethief about a disfunctional one.


Jim and Pam do not just stare at the camera all the time. Out of all the relationships in the show, I think theirs is the only one to show that relationships aren't just rainbows and butterflies. Jim and Pam show the hardships of relationships and that it takes hard work to maintain a long-term relationship. (To be fair, Jim does look into the camera more than most the characters. But thief dude, it's FUNNY).

Dwight has his popularity because he is so over the top in a ridiculously hilarious way

I don't even know what you meant by this point in your article, but it sounds like you're trying to say Dwight's popularity is overrated to which I say: ????? Dwight is popular because his mannerisms and personality are so abnormal to what we consider "normal" that it's hilarious to watch him work around people he views as "idiots" because they don't live on a beet farm and speak German.

Did you actually just say Creed is the most normal one....

Did you watch the show??? Creed is by far the most abnormal one out of the entire office. Everyone has their quirks, but the dude came into the office on Halloween covered in blood, stole someone's identity, tried faking his own death, trafficked drugs and endangered animal meat, and STOLE LSD FROM THE MILITARY. I don't know what your standards for normal are, but those are not it.

Yes, Kelly is annoying but that's the entire point of her character

Do you think anyone actually likes Kelly? Everyone thinks she's annoying and can't stand it when she talks. But again, that's part of the show. Everyone has their role, and Kelly's is to be the overtalkative, annoying customer service rep.

Jim did not "steal" Roy's fiancé

Should Pam and Jim have kissed while she was still with Roy? No. But in no way did Jim steal Pam from Roy. They didn't have an affair, and Pam even said that there was a lot of reasons she needed to break things off with Roy. He left her at a hockey game on their first date for god's sake, not to mention she literally said she didn't like to bother him with her thoughts or feelings. Jim and Pam didn't get together until way after she and Roy split, like MONTHS after.

Kevin dropping chili is one of the funniest cold openers in the entire show

You might want to redefine your idea of comedy if you don't think this is funny. Kevin, in general, is funny, but him coming into the office after staying up all night to make a giant pot of chili only to drop it everywhere? HILARIOUS.


Again, redefine your idea of comedy and get back to me. What isn't funny about a man who wanted to run hamster tubes through the office and call it "Tube City?"

If you did not laugh during the fire alarm opening, I truly believe you do not have a funny bone in your body

This is by far the best scene in all of 'The Office.' Honestly, this scene is one of my favorite scenes in any movie or show ever. This is the defintion of comedy gold. I will forever burst out laughing when Angela tries to save her cat by throwing it into the ceiling and he comes crashing right back down. Again, hilarious.

NBC executives said it is "​not likely​" that 'The Office' will be removed from Netflix

'The Office' is the most streamed show on Netflix, I'm sure they're going to do whatever they can to prevent having to remove it. Even if they do, my family owns all 9 seasons on DVD because the show is THAT good. So if you want to send me that $1,000,000 you offered to send Netflix to remove the show, that would be great.

To everyone who continues to feel the need to degrade people who love 'The Office," in the words of Michael Scott, I just want to say: you are a thief of joy.

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