Recently my best friends, Nathan, Ashley, Chase, and I have been talking about tattoos a lot. We all want tattoos, whether we know what we want or not. We also talk about where they should be located on our bodies and where we would go to get them. We decided that when we all have enough money, because I mean being that we're all college students, it's going to take a while, we'd all go together. Nathan and I do not have any...yet, Ashley has two, which she drew herself, and Chase has one.
Long before Nathan and Chase became a part of my life, Ashley and I talked about her drawing my tattoos for me because I love the details that she included in hers. Yes, I understand that tattoos are permanent and that tattoo removal is a bitch, but I trust her to make them beautiful and match my personality to the best of her abilities.
All of this reflection reminded me of a Buzzfeed video that I had watched recently because like most girls I am up way too late watching makeup tutorials, Buzzfeed videos and Tasty videos on Facebook. It's a video about two pairs of best friends who work together at Buzzfeed picking out tattoos for each other and explaining their meanings. This video is just a single video in a series, that I have watched over and over again.
I may or may not trust Nathan and Chase to pick out the ink that would permanently be on my body, but if I had the chance to see it before it was put onto my body and I gave it the yes or no, I think I'd be okay.
If want to see the video mentioned click the play button here:
Also, comment below saying if you would allow your best friend pick out a tattoo for you to get without your consent, and if yes, what you would hope the tattoo would be?