A Rant on Greek Life
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A Rant on Greek Life

why I think Greek Life is poisonous to college students

A Rant on Greek Life

As a disclaimer, I'd like to establish the fact that I'm not trying to offend anyone who's apart of Greek Life in any way. These are just simply my personal honest opinions that I feel the need to address:

College students all over the country start school in hopes of joining either a fraternity or a sorority. However, are they really all that they're cracked up to be? I've experienced friends who have went through the "rushing" process and have told me some horror stories about what some people had to go through. I even have some firsthand experience on what goes down in a frat house, after attending their parties. Frankly, I think the whole concept of Greek Life is overrated and flat out distasteful.

To start, we live in a world encumbered with insecurities and self-hate. Teenagers (and people of all ages) commit self-harm and even suicide due to the way they feel about themselves and the way others treat them. Schools, near and far, are reaped with the problem of bullying and always seem to want to put a halt to the dangers it causes. In retrospect, is having Greek Life a part of school, really helping the "war on bullying?" If you ask me, it's just adding fuel to the fire. Fraternities and Sororities are just simply glorified popularity contests in my eyes. I mean people are literally chosen out of a group of pledges based on their personality, appearance and whether or not they can withstand mental and sometimes physical abuse known as hazing. Hazing in itself is another ludicrous obscenity.

It absolutely disturbs me that some people would let another person sit on a washing machine, half-naked, and circle whatever "jiggles" when the machine starts spinning. Or how some people let another punch them out until they can't handle any more just to "prove" themselves to the group. Is it really that desired to be a part of a whole and have a sense of belonging? It astounds me the things people would do to themselves and other people just to be a part of a "lifelong brother/sisterhood."

People think they're cute asking, "is/was it really that bad?" when they find out someone hurt themselves. Are you really that delusional? There's no doubt in my mind that a college student turned away from a frat or sorority due to his/her looks has felt a lower opinion of themselves; maybe even attempted to hurt themselves. Why do schools allow this? They obviously know what's going on. Bullying is a serious issue they always feel the need to address. Well, if it's really such an issue why are you evidently letting large, degrading popularity contests ensue each year?

Moving forward, Greek Life also tends to promote sexual segregation. For a country filled with a repulsion towards the topic of segregation, why do schools allow it to happen every single day in Greek Life? Fraternities are extremely sexist towards men and women alike. Not allowing boys into parties (or only if they pay large sums of money in order to enter) because they want all the girls "they can get." That creeps me out. Why does the frat only want girls there? So you can take advantage of them? So you can drug them with your jungle juice? Oh yeah, I forgot college rape doesn't exist. I must be insane to think that. Frats really do a great job of making a person feel insecure because of their gender.

When in line to go to a frat party, it's as if you're the puppet and the frat brothers are the masters. They call all the shots and make all the decisions about who enters the house. The laughable topic of "ratio" often comes into play. So if say a group of ten girls comes with one or two guys, that'll be okay (the two guys will just have to pay cash to enter). However, if a guy and a girl show up together, the girl will be allowed in and the guy will be expected to rot outside on the street, unless he has the proper "connections" to get him inside.

Moreover, fraternities and sororities are sexist amongst each other. This also ties into the popularity contest notion. I mean, you're basically picking and choosing who you want to join based on physical appearance. Girls and guys can make sure that people (of the same gender) to whom they hate don't get a spot in the club. That's absolutely absurd. People in general, regardless of gender, should be picking each other up, not pushing each other down. With Greek Life present, there really isn't much room for that to happen.

Nonetheless, nearly everything has a flaw if you're willing to look hard enough. In my honest opinion, the concept of Greek Life is a façade. It looks picture perfect from the outside, but if you dig a little deeper, you'll see that it's foolishly corrupt. In a country full of bullying, segregation, and discrimination it astounds me that schools allow these blatantly obvious "bullying clubs" to partake. I feel as if there's a lot that can be done to make Greek Life more "healthier," socially speaking. With all the existing problems the world has, it doesn't need any more, especially at a place like college where you're supposed to feel "safe and secure" miles away from home.

All in all, I'd like to reassure you that I'm not in any way trying to cause a massive uproar. Just like I choose to respect the opinions of those who absorb all the amenities Greek Life has to offer, I would hope that you respect why I find it degradingly repulsive.

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