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13 Quick Snacks You Can Make Or Grab From Any Dining Hall Or Dorm Room

For the person who wants to use every dollar they are spending on their meal plan!

13 Quick Snacks You Can Make Or Grab From Any Dining Hall Or Dorm Room
Juliana Ferreri

I thought of this topic as I left my schools dining hall with my favorite snack that I always grab. I'm going to list a range of snacks from healthy to unhealthy. I hope you consider packing a large bag or container in your bag when you head over to your school's dining hall.

1. Banana and Nutella


You can never go wrong with a banana and Nutella. It isn't the healthiest, but it's probably the best food in the cafeteria. This is easily storable not having to be placed in the fridge at all. If you love Nutella then this is the snack for you!

2. Cookies

insomniacookies / Instagram

Schools usually have some cookies or dessert out that could remind you of mom's home baking. The taste definitely doesn't compare to mom's baking but if you're in a hurry you would definitely enjoy this for a snack.

PSA if you have an Insomnia Cookies place at your school then order right away, you won't regret it.

3. Banana and peanut butter

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Banana and peanut butter is great for people who love peanut butter. There is nothing like having a ripe banana and some peanut butter, they make each other better when eaten together. Grab three and store them in your fridge, and bring a jar of peanut butter from home.

4. Fruit salad

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When I say fruit salad, I mean take a container and toss a bunch of fruit together. I wish there could be pomegranates, but we will have to settle for pineapple, melon and some berries. Pack a container and go for it!

5. Cereal

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Dry cereal is great for a quick eat that you can carry with you at all times. Cereal is great with or without the milk and can be eaten all the time.

6. Granola 

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Granola is sweet and good especially when you add honey. It's a great snack for when you're in your dorm and don't want to walk to the cafeteria. It's a healthy alternative and great source of fiber. Grab it and go.

7. Yogurt


Yogurt needs to be refrigerated so hopefully, you're on your way to a cold place. The only way I can eat yogurt is with a lot of berries to make it a little sweeter. Yogurt is super healthy and great for your body. Definitely grab this snack on your way to the cafe.

8. Carrots and celery sticks

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Carrots and celery are better than a bag of chips. Even though celery tastes like water it balances out when eaten with carrots. They are great cold out of the fridge for a refreshing snack.

9. A small salad to go

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Salads are a great way to curve your hunger. If you aren't too hungry I suggest making it small with a light dressing. But you are, you can easily add proteins like grilled chicken or chickpeas and cannellini beans to become heavier and a more sustainable meal.

10. Bagel



Bagels are great when you want to have a snack before class. You can carry it as you walk too class! It's a very filling snack. Whether it is toast or a bagel you can put peanut butter, cream cheese, or butter across the top.

11. Apple and peanut butter



If you haven't noticed, I love peanut butter. An apple is really sweet and perfect by itself or with peanut butter. If you ever want a healthy alternative to chips this is the snack for you.

12. Bean salad

Bean Salad

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Bean salad is a great source of protein that leaves you feeling pleasantly full. It's a simple snack that is healthier and packed full of long-lasting energy than any other in order.

13. Mixed vegetables

Mixed Vegetables


Eating mixed vegetables is a great source of energy while also being good for your body. This can easily be stored in a container and stored in a refrigerator.

I hope this article made you hungry and gave you some good ideas for healthy alternatives to bring to your dorm or class.

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