Vegetarianism is definitely a big lifestyle choice and the second that people find out that you have a different lifestyle than them, all of a sudden they have so many questions.
1. You’re really vegetarian?
Yes. I just said that.
2. So are you vegan?
No. Veganism is completely different, and it’s a much more intense diet.
3. Don’t you miss meat?
Sometimes I do, but the smell of meat mostly makes me sick.
4. How long has it been?
Way too long to turn back.
5. So you can’t even eat fish?
I mean I can. I choose not to.
6. Are you ever going to go back?
I’m honestly not sure. But so far how things are going, I can’t even imagine eating meat again.
7. Is tofu good?
Tofu is a great substitution for meat, but I don’t like it, and there’s many other Vegetarians who feel the same way.
8. Are you going to go Vegan?
Honestly? I can’t answer that quite yet. Veganism seems very, very far away for right now:
9. Did you gain or lose weight?
Last time I gained, this time I lost. It all depends on the choices you make during vegetarianism. The food you eat, how much you exercise, making sure that you're giving your body the correct supplements.
10. What do you eat?
Basically the same things you eat, just modified.
11. Why do you do it?
Why not? Everyone’s reason is different, and sometimes I don’t even know if I have a reason. What I do know is that I’ve stuck with it, and I will continue to.