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26 Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Between Colleges

Make a rational decision.

26 Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Between Colleges

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You're a senior in high school and everyone that comes up to talk to you asks you what your plans are for the next four years, you sit there and stare because you don't know how to answer.

Whether you applied to a bunch of schools or you applied to one in the back of your head your wondering if that's the right choice. Ask yourself these 26 questions to help you decide.

1. How are you paying for your tuition? 

2. How far away from home do you wanna go?

3. Out of state? How will you get home?

4. Do you have family that lives in that state?

5. Are you independent enough?

6. Does the school offer your major?

7. If the school offers your major is it a good program?

8. Where do you wanna live after?

9. Are your parents helping?

10. Are you a legacy?

11. Is it smarter for you to go to a Community College?

12. Will any credits you earned in High School transfer?

13. Were you offered any scholarships?

14. Do you wanna go to a big school? Small school?

15. Are you gonna live on campus?

16. Do you like the cold? Will you want to walk to class in snowy weather?

17. Are you big on sports?

18. Do you know anyone that goes to the school?

19. Are you interested in Greek Life?

20. Is it your dream school?

21. Do your parents support your decision?

22. How much debt will you be in?

23. Are you picking it just because a friend or significant other is attending?

24. Are you interested in extra curricular activities or clubs?

25. Are you looking for a school in the city or suburbs?

26. How long does you major require you to be in school compared to the cost?

After you ask yourself these 26 questions, ask yourself one more, what do you like most about the school you decided to choose?

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