Some Questions After Watching The Crimes of Grindelwald
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15 Questions I Still Have After Watching 'The Crimes of Grindelwald'

Rowling threw a major curve ball to all her fans in her newest film, "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" and, made us question a lot of what we "thought" we knew.

15 Questions I Still Have After Watching 'The Crimes of Grindelwald'

Spoiler warner: If you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to read any spoilers, I wouldn't read this article if I were you.

Why the heck is Jacob is in this one?

OK, I love muggle Jacob as much as the next one but seriously?

What is his point? He didn't help Queenie stay good nor did he really help Newt capture any beasts. Besides being Newt's travel partner, all he did was get his heart broken.

Why the heck did Nagini become Voldemort's sidekick? 

So, the film shows that Nagini actually stands against Grindelwald and begs Credence to not go with him.

She cries for him, and during the end of the battle, we see Aurors protecting her so that she doesn't get injured.

So, I ask, how does Nagini fall so far into the hands of evil if she had a pure heart?

What's up with Newt licking the ground to trace Tina?

So, if you've seen, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," you already know that Newt is a different kind of wizard which is why we love him so much.

But seriously, was it necessary to show that in this film by having him lick the sidewalk so he could find Tina?

Besides, I'm pretty sure there is a location spell for that, by the way.

Why did it have to be Newt? 

In the Harry Potter series, we were used to having Dumbledore tell Harry that it had to be him to defeat Voldemort and this movie has the same theme.

In the film, young Dumbledore, played by the lovely Jude Law, tells Newt Scamander that it has to be him that defeats Grindelwald. Uhm, why?

Is it really because of the blood bond?

This is a follow-up to the prior question.

So, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were great friends until Grindelwald lost focus on their prime focus — bringing peace among the muggles and wizards. They had a disagreement that led them to live separate lives...forever.

We find out, at the end of the movie, that Grindelwald held the blood bond that he and Dumbledore had made back when they were friends.

Is this the real reason that was keeping Dumbledore from fighting Grindelwald?

Were Albus & Gellert lovers? 

In the Mirror of Erised, Albus saw Gellert and himself casting the blood bond. He smiled upon the memory and almost looked sorrowful.

Is it because he misses his best friend?

Or maybe because he lost a friend and a lover all in one?

Or is it simply because he's upset with himself because he allowed Gellert to gain the power that he has now?

Why did Credence not reach out to Newt?

In "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," Newt was the one that went after Credence when the Obscurus took him over.

Newt was the one who tried to talk the Ministry down from harming him so why would Credence not reach out to Newt when he wanted to find his real family?

Actually, why did Credence not reach out to Tina?

Tina was the one person who knew what Credence was going through. She knew that he was being beaten and that his adopted mother was not treating him fairly. She tried helping him as much as she could — she even risked her job.

So, why would Credence not reach out to Tina, someone who had been there for him since the very beginning?

How come Apparition works on Hogwarts grounds?

In the Harry Potter series, you cannot Apparate on the Hogwarts grounds and it makes sense — you don't want students or outsiders leaving or coming unannounced.

Was that rule only under Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster? If so, no wonder he was the greatest one in history.

How come the Ministry workers walked over Professor McGonagall?

What was up with the Ministry worker simply walking over Professor McGonagall into Dumbledore's classroom?

If there's anything that we know about McGonagall it's that she's a badass and no one, literally no one, gets passed her if she doesn't want you to.

How the heck is Credence Albus Dumbledore's brother? 

This one literally took the air out of me and I have so many questions for Rowling.

Albus Dumbledore has two other siblings, Aberforth, his brother, and Ariana, his younger sister.

Now, we know that Ariana was killed in an argument between Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Aberforth. We don't know who the spell that killed her belonged to but we do know that is what finally pulled Grindelwald and Dumbledore apart.

When Aberforth tells Harry, Hermione, and Ron about that night and the murder of his sister, he does not mention anything about them having a fourth sibling so what the heck?!

Why wasn't that small, yet major, fact skipped in the books?

I love Rowling as much as the next Potter fan but I'm seriously questioning her decision of leaving Credence out of the family tree when Aberforth was giving the family history.

Is Grindelwald pulling Credence's leg? 

A lot of people would like to think that Grindelwald is pulling Credences's leg and is just telling him that he has a family so that he can have him on his side.

I'll give it to those fans, that could be true because Grindelwald isn't the most trustworthy person on the planet and definitely uses people to achieve his goals.

If Grindelwald is pulling Credence's leg then why did the Phoenix come to Credence? 

It is a birthright in the Dumbledore family that a Phoenix will come to any family member who is in need and it did just that for Credence as it does for Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series.

So, you see, so many questions!

Why Queenie and not Leta? 

Seriously, why did Queenie turn bad and not Leta?

Leta Lestrange had bad blood in her, I mean, she was in Slytherin and as Ron said in the Sorcerer's Stone, "There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin."

We also know that the Lestrange family was a longtime supporter of the Dark Arts so why did she stand apart? Is there some greater meaning in her self-sacrifice against Grindelwald?

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