11 Reasons Pugs Are Pawsitively Pug-tastic And Way Better Than A Significant Other
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11 Reasons Pugs Are Pawsitively Pug-tastic And Way Better Than A Significant Other

I'd choose a pug over a romantic partner any day.

11 Reasons Pugs Are Pawsitively Pug-tastic And Way Better Than A Significant Other
Abigail Huse

It's no secret that pugs are the superior variety of canine, full of love, excitement, and weird snorts and squeaks. They each have their own personality, although most stay puppies forever, which only makes them that much more lovable. Pugs are incredible, and rightfully so sit atop the "man's best friend" category.

My family has had our pug for the last five years, and I have no idea how we lived prior to that. We've all learned a great deal from him, including patience, tenderness, and the importance of sticking to a routine. But, perhaps the most important thing that I've learned from him is that he is the Goodest of Boys™ and reigns high above any significant other.

1. Pugs won't break your heart.

Having a pug as your partner in crime means having a forever best friend. Your pug won’t wake up one day and decide that you should “see other pugs,” nor will your pug pack all of their belongings and leave while you’re at work one day. Pugs are there for the good, the bad, and the ugly, and wouldn’t ever think of doing something that could break your heart.

2. They offer comfort if you're anything less than happy, no questions asked.

Had a rough day at work or school? No problem. Fighting with a pal? Your pug’s got ya. Sick as hell? You’re about to get some snuggles from a pug who isn’t concerned about getting sick.

They can’t ask you why you’re not feeling great, but they don’t need to - their only goal is to make it better.

3. They make stealing your food look cute.

It’s incredibly annoying when people take your food, even if they are your significant other. Then again, a person can’t really perfect the “puppy eyes” like a pug can, and who wouldn’t want to share with this face?

4. Each pug has their own unique personality.

You know how easily people remind us of other people?

“Hey, don’t you think x kind of looks like y?”
“Wow, x acts a lot like y."
"Oh, x totally laughs and talks like y!"

That doesn’t happen with pugs! Each and every one of them has their own personality and attributes. Some are mild mannered, some are playful and energetic, some are slobbery goons, some are prim and proper, some stay puppies forever, others grow into “old dogs” too soon. They’re all special!

5. Pugs are always ecstatic to see you.

If pugs could speak, I’m sure all they would be saying when you walk in the door after a long day is, “WOW MY HUMAN IS HOME, I’M SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY’RE MY ENTIRE WORLD WOW.”

I’ve never heard of anybody consistently receiving this love and appreciation from another human being. Thus, pugs are better.

6. Their snoring is actually cute.

Similarly to the food situation, it generally isn’t super cute when people snore super loud. But pugs? That’s a totally different story.

They’re precious as heck, an indication of sweet dreams by the small loaf of bread that is your pug. In humans, it’s usually congestion or something (not nearly as cute as sweet dreams).

7. Curly tails > everything.

Humans don’t have curly tails. Pugs do. Case made.

8. They won't complain about your cooking.

Have you ever wanted to cook something, but decided not to because you knew the person you were with didn’t like it? Have no fear, the pugs are here!

You don’t have to be concerned about this at all with pugs (unless, of course, it’s chocolate, or grapes, or onions, etc.). They don’t care what you make, as long as you let them taste-test it. Even if they didn’t like it the first time you made it, they’re likely to try it again, unlike the picky significant other.

9. Pugs are loyal as hell.

My family’s pug has fallen into a routine that revolves heavily around my mother. When something goes amiss in his routine, he goes positively looney, and isn’t quite right until he gets reassurance from my mother that everything is alright.

I’ve never met another human that shows that much concern for one of their own.

10. They're protective af.

My family’s pug is incredibly protective of my mother. He loses his mind if anybody looks at her for too long, let alone hugs her or gets too close. He’ll come after us (gently of course, but still enough to make a point), so I’d be very nervous to see what would happen if somebody he didn’t know talked to my mother.

Again, I’ve never witnessed another human show that much concern for one of their own.

11. They're always ready for a nap.

Pugs won’t judge you for being ready for a nap two hours after you’ve woken up for the day, and that’s the sort of positivity everybody needs regardless of their relationship status.

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