Things That Happen When You're Annoyingly Positive | The Odyssey Online
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12 Things That Happen When You’re That Annoyingly Positive Person All Of The Time

Being annoyingly positive is better than being destructively negative.

12 Things That Happen When You’re That Annoyingly Positive Person All Of The Time

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We all know that person who seems like they're happy all of the time no matter what's going on in their life. It seems like they just can't physically be unhappy. I used to believe they were faking it. I didn't think anyone could be that happy every day, but then I started to become that person.

I started to realize when my mind was making me think things I shouldn't. And I realized I could block it out whenever it would happen. I gave it up to God and now all of the negativity I had inside of me has disappeared.

I chose to become that annoyingly positive person. I'm not saying I never get upset. I'm only human, but I chose to live the happy life I always wanted. Even though it can be too much for some people who don't understand my positivity, it's worth it to live life this way.

Here's what can happen when you choose to be that annoyingly positive person:

1. You’ll start to see things in a different way.

Since I've started to think more positively, I've noticed how different things seem to me now. I finally understand why so many of the things that hurt me happened. Life is slowly starting to make more sense. And once you see things in a more positive way, you'll wonder how you ever saw it differently.

2. You’ll feel happier.

Negativity only makes it harder to be happy. And science has proven that if you try to think more positively, your brain will rewire itself to automatically think that way. You really can be as happy as this dog if you try hard enough.

3. It will be easier to reach your goals.

You probably wouldn't even know most of the famous celebrities we have today if they didn't believe in themselves and thought optimistically. A lot of them built amazing careers from nothing. If you let the negative thoughts take over and think you can't do something, you never will.

4. You’ll be the light other people need in their lives.

Everyone deserves to know they have someone they can turn to when things get hard—even if that means pulling your friend down the street. #friendshipgoals

5. Hard days won’t seem so hard.

I'm not saying that every day will be perfect and that things will never be hard. Things are going to get rough sometimes. That's life. But being able to take them head on with a smile on your face is a huge win.

6. You’ll learn how to have fun even in bad situations.

This is another huge win. I've mastered being able to have fun in any situation. I've literally laughed at myself while hitting my head at least ten times on a ride. It was the first time I went on a ride without someone holding me and since my muscles are still getting stronger, I kept falling over. I had a bump on my head after that, but I didn't care. I just kept thinking how much fun it was to go on a ride by myself.

7. You won’t feel the need to complain that often.

Science has proven this too. Complaining can rewire the brain and make you feel like you need to complain without realizing it. If you think about things more positively, things won't seem that bad and the annoying things in life won't seem to matter that much anymore.

8. You’ll appreciate more things, even the really little things.

Like I said before, you'll start to see why the bad things have happened to you. And how those hard times make the good times even better.

9. You’ll learn to love yours and others’ flaws.

Tearing yourself apart is not being positive. Being positive all of the time means being body positive too. It can be hard to love yourself and your body, but once you learn how to, no one will be able to get you to think otherwise.

10. You won’t want to stay in bed.

Happy people don't need to sleep. Okay, maybe they do. However, looking forward to the day ahead will give you so much energy you'll barely be able to stay in bed.

11. You’ll learn how to forgive others.

I've learned this recently. The only way to truly be happy is to forgive the people who have wronged you in your life. You won't be able to have a positive mind if you're holding onto hurt from the past.

12. You’ll do things you only dreamed of doing because you’ll begin to have faith in yourself.

Anyone who has achieved their dreams knows they wouldn't have been able to do it if they hadn't had faith in themselves. Life becomes a beautiful thing when you realize your dreams are coming true. Being that annoyingly positive person can help make them come true.

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