Since its release earlier this month, Nintendo's newest App, "Pokémon Go" has been capturing the attention of the world. The hype led to the company's stock soaring, with Nintendo's shares going from approximately 15,000 at the start of the month to over 30,000 at its peak on July 19th. Pokemon Go is renowned not for brief burst of success it brought Nintendo, but for many headlines and news stories concerning the app's impact on society. From a man hitting a parked cop car to the discovery of three dead bodies, "Pokémon Go" has been making headlines across the world. I've compiled a list of just a few of the times Pokémon Go has made the news and captured the attention of the world.
1. "Man Quits Job to Play Pokémon Go Full-Time"
I don't quite know how this works, because at my job, people are more than capable of working and catching Pokémon, often simultaneously. For whatever reason, this man decied that focusing on becoming a Pokémon Trainer was much more important than earning money and receiving job benefits.
2. "Canadian Teens Playing 'Pokémon Go' Illegally Cross Border"
No one seems to be particularly concerned about the country's northern border at the present moment, but the fact that two teens accidentally crossed into Montana while playing Pokémon Go might change that fact. If Donald Trump catches wind of this, he may want to build a wall at the northern border as well, to keep the Canadians from coming in and illegally stealing our country's Pokémon.
3. "Armed Robbers Target 'Pokémon Go' Players"
Using Pokestops and lures available in the app, robbers have been targeting players. Players often venture out at night, with no reaon to bring protection or back up, leaving themselves completely vulnerable. The game has specic GPS locations which many people flock to, making thieves aware of exactly where people may be.
4. "Pokémon Go Player Drives into Cop Car"
Hitting a parked car is bad. Hitting a parked car while playing 'Pokémon Go' is worse. Even worse than that is hitting a parked cop car while playing "Pokémon Go", which is exactly what a man did in Baltimore. He openly admitted to the cause of the crash, regrettably stating "that's what I get for playing this dumb a** game".
5. "15-Year-Old Hit by Car After Playing "Pokémon Go"
A girl from Pennsylvania was playing Pokemon Go when she crossed a highway, resulting in her getting hit by a car. The girl was taken to Children's Hospital in Pittsburg, where she was not the first patient to be injured due to Pokémon Go related activities. The girl's mother urged parents not to let their children play the game, but I would have to say the issue lies more with players not paying attention and behaving carelessly enough to continually endanger their lives.
6. "Pokémon Go Players Find Third Dead Body"
Now that countless people are searching various locations for Pokémon, the dead bodies usually discovered by joggers and dog walkers are being found by young Pokémon Trainers. The first dead body was found in Wyoming, the second in New Hampshire, and the third in San Diego.
7. "Two Men Fell Down a Cliff Playing 'Pokémon Go'"
Not only have there been issues with "Pokémon Go" and driving, walking and playing "Pokémon Go" also seems to be a danger to players, despite the game's warning to be "aware of your surroundings". In California, two men apparently fell over 75ft while distracted by the app.
8. "News Anchor Walks Through Meteorologist's Live Shot While Playing Pokémon Go"
Regardless of whether this incident was staged or not, it is kind of a big deal for someone to casually stroll through the middle of a news session. If the bit was staged, it is most likely to draw attention to the danger of distraction while playing "Pokémon Go". The meteorologist exclaimed during the incident, "“She’s looking for Pokemon! You guys have got to be careful with these phones and this Pokemon!”
9. "Police Blast Pokémon Theme Song to Pokemon Go Players"
Not all the headlines regarding Pokémon Go are tragic and sad. Patrolling officers in San Diego blasted the well known theme song as they drove through crowds of people playing "Pokemon Go." A nice change for the players, as they have been regularly busted for trespassing and suspicious behavior.
10. "Pokémon Go is Sending Lots of Player to Church"
Pokestops and gyms are located at various landmarks, many of them at local churches. As a result, there are a lot more kids hanging around at churches, some of the churches even offering invitations to players. Perhaps a legendary Pokémon is hiding inside, waiting to be discovered.
11. "Pokémon Go is Getting People Dates"
People playing Pokémon Go inevitably stumble into other players, and some of these encounters have led to dates and nostalgic connections between people. Trainers who have gone out and accidentally "caught" dates, can now work on being "the very best" with their partners as they go on romantic adventures to catch Pokémon: a beautiful thing for the Pokémon fandom.