Best Podcasts For College Students
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10 Podcasts That'll Motivate You To Get Out Of Bed When You'd Rather Sleep For Another 10 Hours

There's nothing like starting your day with the thrill of a murder mystery.

10 Podcasts That'll Motivate You To Get Out Of Bed When You'd Rather Sleep For Another 10 Hours

Podcasts. You love them. We love them. Everybody loves them.

But sometimes finding the right podcast to start your day with can be tricky. Do you want to start with comedy or true crime? Romance or deep life talks? SO MANY OPTIONS.

Here are ten podcasts that will motivate you to get out of bed and start moving in the morning!!

"Safe For Work"

This podcast blends humor with real-life advice, and hosts Liz Dolan and Rico Gagliano ensure their listeners are never alone with their daily problems. From being overwhelmed by work to just not feeling up for life, with Safe For Work Liz and Rico get what you're feeling and know just how to help you through it!!

"Hear to Slay"

Photo via @heartoslay on Instagram

Hosts Roxane Gay and Tressie McMillan Cotton know exactly how to mix real-life advice with witty banter in Hear to Slay. They get real about pop culture, mental health, and so much more from a black feminist perspective. These two know how to educate an audience while just being wholeheartedly themselves.

"Call Your Girlfriend"

Sometimes you just need to talk about nothing with a good close bestie. Hosts Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow cover just about every topic you can think of on Call Your Girlfriend, emitting the presence of feeling like you're right there with them and a part of the conversation. If you just need to listen to two funny women talk about life and know you're not alone, these two are definitely for you.

"My Favorite Murder"

Photo via @myfavoritemurder on Instagram

As true crime is becoming a hot topic in the podcast world, there is nothing like Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark's My Favorite Murder podcast. As they educate their audience on iconic true crime stories, they also banter about their own personal lives from mental health, to relationships, to how to not get murdered. These two combine education with comedy to create content that is never disappointing!

"The Moth"

The Moth is an intimate podcast that bares true stories told live without any notes. As the storytellers, who are mainly everyday people and not professional hosts, unfold their lives to the listeners, this podcast truly understands what it means to be inspiring.


Photo via @radiolab on Instagram

Radiolab really knows how to make you think of things from a different perspective! From tackling societal issues to major and minor events, this podcasts deep dives in a way that truly mesmerizes its audience.

"Radio Cherry Bombe"

If you're a foodie, here's something for you! The Radio Cherry Bombe podcast takes food lovers on a whole other journey by interviewing chefs, bakers, writers, and influences all about cooking and eating food. This female-fronted podcast, created by the same people that made the popular food magazine Cherry Bombe, should only be listened to with a good snack!

"Motherhood Sessions"

Photo via @alexandrasacksmd on Instagram

Reproductive psychiatrist Dr. Alexandra Sacks talks with real mothers on subjects surrounding parents, single parenting, co-parenting, and other issues that moms may encounter along their motherhood journey. This podcast is informative, inviting, and heartwarming.

"The Mortified Podcast"

We can all remember a time when we were so embarrassed we thought we might die. Well, here's a podcast that lets you listen to other people's embarrassing moments. This podcast really helps us remember that we're all human and we all have those yikes moments!


Photo by @wnycstudios on Instagram

We all know being an adult is hard. From bills to relationships to just cooking a meal, adulting can be a real challenge. In this podcast, hosts Michelle Buteau and Jordan Carlos share their own stories and experiences that'll have you laughing and knowing you're never alone.

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