Have you recently begun a new friendship or relationship with someone and would like to know his or her true self? Sometimes it is difficult to tell who someone really is right off the bat. Here are a few silly, different, yet sometimes accurate ways to determine someone’s character. Of course, these are just theories and they all depend on the background of each situation.
Watch the way they treat their waiter or waitress
It sounds silly but it is a great way to see their true character. If you are out to dinner with someone who is treating the restaurant staff as invisible and/or rude than you have someone who might as well be saying, “I am cold, rude and selfish." Being able to sit there and be nothing but rude to people who are serving you is a low thing to do. It is hard working places at times so don’t make their job anymore stressful than it needs to be.
Bring them golfing
Golf is an extremely aggravating sport, especially if you are bad, but can you contain your emotions? It tests their ability to handle stressful situations, seeing how they interact with you and the environment they are in. There could be those slow people playing in front of you, which can get pretty annoying.
How they treat their parents
This one is pretty important to determine their personality because if you see how they treat their loved ones it can reflect on how you will be treated. If someone is comfortable with disrespecting the people that raised them, than they will have no problem treating you the same way or maybe even worse.
How they act when they are drunk
This could determine a lot because you want to be able to take them out to parties and events, but you don't want to have to worry about being embarrassed on how they behave in front of others. When you have family parties to attend you want to be able to bring your date and/or friend around.
Again, these tests will obviously not always be right but they can give you an idea of how these people react to everyday situations. It can determine relationships and give you a sense of how well you and this other person will get along.