Many often mistake Christmastime as the "most wonderful time of the year." While sugar cookies and carols are great, fall has so much to offer that is sometimes overlooked. If the feeling in the air isn't enough to make you smile inside, this bucket list will ensure that you get everything possible out of this season.
1. Go apple-picking at a local orchard
2. Make fresh apple pie
3. Take a drive through a scenic area to see the foliage
4. Get lost in a corn maze
5. Pick the perfect pumpkin and carve it
6. Toast pumpkin seeds
7. Dedicate an entire Sunday to football
8. Enjoy warm apple cider
9. Make caramel apples
10. Have a backyard bonfire
11. Watch a Halloween movie marathon
12. Purchase the coziest flannel
13. Put together a clever Halloween costume
14. Go on a hayride
15. Walk through a haunted house
16. Go for a hike
17. Order a pumpkin spiced latte
18. Visit a street fair
19. Make a scarecrow
20. Survey lots of different pumpkin beers
These are just a few suggestions, and you are definitely not limited to the list of 20. Take advantage of everything fall has to offer. And, even if you can't find the time to make it to your nearest corn maze, make a point to at least take in the beautiful foliage.