Part 1: Reveille Tells All
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Student Life

Part 1: Reveille Tells All

Well, actually Ian Moss does.

Part 1: Reveille Tells All

On Friday, October 2nd, Ian Moss and I met up in Starbucks at Evans Library. Wearing his Corps Cadet uniform, he stood tall and smiling to greet me as I approached him. On the surface, he appeared just like a normal member of the corps. However, little did the people around us know (or at least they didn’t show it) that Ian Moss, a charismatic Sophomore Construction Science Major, a part of Company E-2, is actually Reveille’s Handler. He spends day-in and day-out assisting, protecting and loving the most treasured lady in all of Aggieland. No, he did not bring Reveille with him for this interview (nor did I ask him to, simply out of respect), but, I did get a very personal sneak peak into the lives of Texas A&M’s most treasured First Lady and her Handler. Enjoy.

Odyssey: So, how did you land this job title, “Reveille’s Handler?”

Ian: So in my outfit, E-2, we compete throughout the year as freshmen through academics, leadership, and responsibility. Then, second semester, there is an eight-week tryout process where you go to Cushing Library every day of the week. The first week you study Reveille 1, the second week you study Reveille 2, the third week you study Reveille 3, and so on and so forth, all the way until Reveille 8. You write essays, take notes, and take tests each week. You also read Calming Signals by Cesar Milan, so that way I am able to pick up on when Rev is stressed and can have experience with that. It’s like taking a whole other class during the spring semester.

Odyssey: Oh wow, that’s difficult. They definitely don’t just throw anyone out there for the job.

Ian: Oh, yeah. Also, there is a public speaking part, because in a way, you are Rev’s voice. You are speaking for her, and if someone has a bad experience with her, that falls to whoever is handling her.

Odyssey: Well, what motivated you to go out for this position?

Ian: That’s a good question. I know that when I was a freshman in high school, I went to the Stockyards when the Aggies were playing at Cowboys Stadium, and Rev was there during Midnight Yell. That’s when I found out that a sophomore in the corps handles Rev. I thought that was a really cool responsibility, so I kind of just starting gunning for it. It was always something in the back of my head. It is something that just kind of worked out I guess. I believe it was God’s plan for me, that's just how the pieces fell in.

Odyssey: That’s wonderful. Is this something you imagined doing before that moment at Midnight Yell?

Ian: Well, I have always been one to push myself and go above and beyond what’s called of me. I think that’s what excites me about this position is that it’s something that one person gets to do, and carries a lot of responsibility. It’s cool because I am kind of in charge of Rev’s PR and get to act as an ambassador for the university.

[Reveille 8 posing on her bed next to a picture of Reveille 7]

Odyssey: So, how do you think this has furthered your career?

Ian: I think it has given me a lot of experience that I wouldn’t get otherwise that I know I’ll need, regardless, in a professional career, whether that be planning ahead, managing my time, or delegating responsibilities. Because in E-2, the Mascot Company, it’s not just me handling Rev. Yes, I am the First Leash, but all my buddies who are sophomores all help take care of her. So, they’ll take her to grooming appointments if I have classes and to events if I can’t be there. It’s not a one-man job at all.

Odyssey: Interesting! I don’t know if many people know that. So, has there ever been a time when someone is like, “Oh my gosh, Rev’s handler, Ian Moss!” and not like, “Oh my gosh, Rev!?”

Ian: That’s funny, and something my mom always jokes about. A couple of times people will say hi to me because they’ve already met Rev, which is nice. But I like having the part where Rev is the center of attention and not myself. I like watching everyone’s reaction and how it makes everyone’s day better; the gasps for air when she walks by, and all the smiles. Especially considering all the stress students face in college, it’s cool that she has that impact on people and that I get to be that link between people. I kind of get to create happiness for others.

Odyssey: Does she know any tricks?

Ian: Yes. She can sit, lay down, sit-stay, down-stay, and she can shake. The command on that is “Howdy,” so if you say that, she’ll shake your hand. And we're working on another one where she is learning to play dead. And how it’s going to work is you’ll say, “Would you rather be a T-Sip or a dead dog?” Then you’ll do a saw ‘em off hand signal, and she’ll fall over. But we’re working on it.

Odyssey: How would you describe your relationship with Rev?

Ian: I’ve never been asked that before. It’s high-end respect. I respect her and understand the position she’s in. And I know that she trusts me. A lot of it is that she’s a puppy, so she’s learning a lot right now. She looks to me for that confidence and that reassurance that she can do it. It is something I have earned and not something she gives away easily. Gaining her trust and respect is something I’ve been working on this whole summer, and it’s really coming out now and showing the work that I put in. And when situations get hard and stressful, like at events and football games, it’s cool having that bond with her and being her very first handler and being the first one to go through all of this with her.

As you can see, Ian Moss represents Aggieland almost as well as our First Lady, Reveille (But not quite. No one could do it better than Rev). With his charisma and passion for this university, look out for these answered questions in the next article, Part 2: Reveille Tells All. Oh, and should I mention more photos to come of Rev that are straight off of Ian's phone?

What is she like?
Is she a princess?
How does Rev being a puppy make it a different task for you compared to other handlers?
Has she barked in class yet?
How many chicks do you pull with this job? Answer in chicks per week.
Does she see a vet student or an actual vet when she visits the VMTH?
How late are you to class everyday?
Are there ever moments when you and Rev get annoyed with each other?
How many times has she kicked you off the bed?
What are the mornings like together?
Would you ever be open to creating an Instagram account for her?
What do you imagine the “goodbye” to be like?
What is the funniest story you have shared with Rev?
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