Another School Shooting Raises The Issue Of Gun Control
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Another School Shooting Raises The Issue Of Gun Control

Another School Shooting Raises The Issue Of Gun Control

When will the future become our present?

The campus of Umpqua Community College in the state of Oregon is left with a student body that is 10 people fewer, while seven others sit in their hospital beds as they begin their recovery. On October 1, 26 year old Chris Harper Mercer entered campus armed, and with the intentions of killing.

One victim, Anastasia Boylan, 18 years old, recalled the events just prior to entering surgery. This day in particular was her 4th day of school at the community college. She was sitting in class when the gunman entered. Once he was in the classroom, there was gunfire immediately shot, directly at the professor's head. He was killed instantly. Following the professor's death, the gunman asked a simple question. He asked which of the students were Christian, and if so, could they please stand up. Those victims who stood up were then told they were going to see God in one second, as the gunman proceeded to kill them instantly. Her father and brother shared her words, struggling to keep themselves together, as they reflected on this disastrous incident.

A few statistics were provided by regarding shootings within our recent history. Noteworthy is the fact that there have been 41 school shootings in the year 2015 alone. Furthermore, this is the 142nd school shooting since the massacre of Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. The number of shooting deaths since this tragedy includes more than 87,000. Our country has been faced with terrorist attacks both here in the US and overseas for quite some time now. While as a nation, we strive to remain strong and united, this does not disregard the defeat and struggle we have become regularly faced with.

A speech was given by President Obama following this tragedy. He made the point during his emotional speech to address the media comparing gun and terrorism deaths. From 2001 to 2011, more than 10,000 Americans were killed from gun violence, compared to the few hundred killed each year from terrorist attacks, with the exception of 9/11. Furthering these claims, Obama continued with his speech, identifying how these shootings have become routine, Obama's response has become routine, the reporting of the shootings have become routine, and the conversation of the aftermath has become routine.

The highlight of the speech was that the conversation of the aftermath has become routine. Our largest issue of a nation is how we address these issues. In numerous reports of shootings, reporters will close their reports with the claims that "conversations on gun laws are for another time, or for the future. Within this moment, our focus must remain with the community. Our thoughts and prayers must be with the victims families." Countering this claim, Obama even said himself, "our thoughts and prayers are not enough."

The question is when will we finally start talking about these gunmen and the gun laws they do not have to abide to as they have not been created by our legislation. These shootings have become so frequent they are diminishing their shock value. The shock value that continues to climb has to do with how zero changes are being made. If conversations are not held, and inaction remains, future violence is furthered and innocent victims will be killed. "Another time," or "the future" should begin right now. It is time to start talking, taking action, and triumphantly ending this tragic, reoccurring stream of mass shootings across our nation. Let us make a difference when it comes to these laws solely for the safety of our country, a nation we can say we are proud to be a part of.

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