The last time I wrote an open letter, it was to end all open letters. I got tired of seeing them over and over again on my dashboard. The more I thought about this topic, along with the best way to convey the importance of its sincere gratitude and appreciation of these people, I decided to go against what I previously said and write an open letter. So, here it goes.
To all of you who have ever been in the back,
First of all, what is the back? There's no set definition in this context, but to me, it can range from working behind the scenes where no one can see you to playing defense on a winning team. Maybe it’s even the people who work out in the open but don’t expect any sort of acknowledgement or special treatment. The people who work for others out of the goodness of their hearts.
No matter what your position in the back is, your work goes unseen. You aren’t thanked. Other people get the credit or acknowledgement. This position may seem very degrading, but to those who have enough heart and strength to do it, it’s rewarding. It’s rewarding because you know that you had a part in something bigger.
Sometimes, you may think that you aren't as important as those who are recognized, but you are that important if not more. You are the one who makes things possible. Without your work, the bigger project (the one that is seen) would fall apart.
To me, the biggest example is in sports. I used to play defense for my soccer team. We had a great team, but whenever we won, it was only the people who scored the winning goals who were recognized. But did that bother me? Not at all. I was thrilled that I was a part of a team that worked together and was able to win. Even if the defense wasn’t recognized, I was happy because I knew that my work was essential to the team’s success.
Another great example are restaurants. You see the waitresses and hosts all day, but you never see the cooks. Unless you send a message back to the kitchen, it’s hard to express your thanks to the cook. However without the cook, there would be no restaurant.
So, to all of you who are hidden in the back, this letter is to express the appreciation and gratitude that you don’t usually hear. It’s an open letter to remind you that without your work, nothing else would be possible. It’s to remind you that you are the foundation of something so much bigger than what you think. It’s to appreciate your hard work and selflessness. And last, but not least, it’s to thank you for helping to make other people’s dreams come true.