Hello, it's me.
The best friend of the marvelous woman you've decided to give your heart to. I feel jittery writing this to you, my excitement unable to be contained. You should've seen me when I was told the news.
You don't know me very well, not yet at least. But I hope that we have the chance to get to know each other with time to come, and that you stick around for a while. My best friend deserves the best, and I know that sounds totally cliche, but it's true in every sense of the word.
Growing up with her, she made me into the best version of myself. She kept me grounded, she made my tears of sorrow into laughter, and she was always there when I needed her. Truly, she is the bright light in my life that led me to where I am today. All of my college friends know her from meeting her and from my high level of praise and admiration whenever I talk about her. If you haven't noticed by now, she's kind of a big deal.
My best friend and I are past the seven-year-friendship mark, so we're in each other's lives for good now. Which means that it is my duty to give you "the talk."
I have a good feeling about you. I don't want to scare you or anything. If you've become her boyfriend, I know you have to be a high-quality kind of guy. I know you've passed the test that boys have failed in the past. I would say I don't have to worry about you breaking her heart, but I can't. There is no guarantee that you can do that, even if you say you won't.
My best friend loves wholly with her heart, even to the people that don't deserve it, which is why she's one of the best people I know. But there have been times where her heart was broken by a careless boy who was only thinking of himself, and that's been hard to watch. During those times, she was beaten down, felt like she was hard to love, which we both know first hand to be ridiculous. Seeing her like that is something I never want to see again, and while I don't have the power to control that, I have the power to say this to you: be careful with her heart. Love her fearlessly, but not carelessly. Think of her and yourself, but most of all, and to simply put it, just don't be a douchebag to her. Don't be that guy that her best friend has to beat up. It won't be pretty, and you will lose. Just don't let it happen.
You have let someone very special into your life: someone who comes from a great family, is extremely driven, hard-working, and can run for an excessive amount of time. You're going to have your hands full with this one, in the best way possible. If she likes you, I trust her judgment, and I welcome you with open arms.
The best friend who isn't afraid to go to prison