Omighty Brand Overcharges For Their Clothes
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To Omighty — And Other Brands Like Them — Please Stop Making Us Spend $48 For Your $5 Tees

I'm a frustrated customer who doesn't deserve to be robbed this way.

To Omighty — And Other Brands Like Them — Please Stop Making Us Spend $48 For Your $5 Tees

If you aren't an avid Dolls Kill shopper, or haven't heard of the brand Omighty, it's essentially a brand that sells various items marketed to girls and women. Shirts with risque yet empowering messages and edgy cannabis references are sprinkled among y2k-inspired wear.

I became familiar with the brand because I do regularly browse Dolls Kill and I tend to gravitate towards 2000s fashion. I ended up purchasing a marabou tube top for around $36, which was marked down on the site from its original whopping price of $48.

While I admit I think the clothes they sell are trendy, bold, and unique, I cannot say that Omighty should be charging $34 to $100 on singular pieces. In addition to this, the cost for 3-to-4 weeks shipping is $5, and for "express" shipping three-to-four days, they charge $20! The website is hard to navigate and makes you think you can't really trust it with any piece of your credit card information.

With that being said, another common issue with Omighty lies specifically with the production of their products. A Trustpilot review spoke of how their items shrunk two sizes after being washed and they were initially flimsy and see-through.

The Omighty website confirms that each piece is screen printed and hand-stitched by seamstresses in Thailand. Because of this, I do firmly believe that anybody interested in buying pieces from this brand to buy them second hand or from websites like Dolls Kill.

You shouldn't have to spend your entire paycheck on shipping your order out from Thailand, and since DollsKill is based in San Francisco, your shipping will be fast and free!

Omighty entices you with edgy clothes. They market their products on Instagram and pull out all the stops to reference pop culture in creative ways. It makes so much sense why they are so popular with younger millennials and Generation Z. I believe they would be more successful if they made some business changes, ones that include manufacturing in the US.

What's most likely holding them back is that they make a HUGE profit by creating clothes with cheap materials in Thailand and generating insane shipping costs. Or, by avoiding legal issues concerned with copyright with the usage of intellectual properties on their clothing that could be an issue here in America.

No loyal customer would be mad at paying the same price they charge now for clothes that aren't flimsy. It's just reality. So Omighty, please hear me out. Your clothes attract a crowd of college students and Instagram influencers that want to experiment with cutting edge trends and mixed pop culture references. You could be gaining a larger audience by expanding to the US and creating an incentive for dishing out $48 on a tube top.

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