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I've Chosen To Express Myself Through Writing For Odyssey

As I reflect on my time as a writer, these are a few of the things I'm thankful for.

I've Chosen To Express Myself Through Writing For Odyssey
Brooklyn Vaughan

I joined Odyssey in January in 2018. Coincidentally, I had a couple of New Year's resolutions that I struck up around this time. They weren't your typical "eat healthier, workout more, give up chocolate" resolutions, but more complex and interpersonal goals that I had set for myself. I did not realize it at the time, but these resolutions that I was striving to achieve this year have been accomplished through my Odyssey community at Temple.

One of these resolutions includes exploring and enhancing my writing abilities. I would have never guessed that as a freshman in college, I would have the opportunity to publish my work on a national platform that is incredibly popular among young adults and college students, but that is exactly what Odyssey gave me. I was publishing my own articles online and watching them be spread and reacted to throughout social media. It was—and still is—one of the coolest things I had done so far in life.

Throughout school, I've always had a natural inclination for writing. Maybe it is because I have been just god awful in the realm of math and science, but I like to think that I enjoy writing for leisure and I'm not too shabby at telling my stories through written form. All of my highest grades freshman year were in writing-based courses. Prompted writing is a second nature to me, which is why I can execute it so well.

One of the things I didn't realize when I signed up for Odyssey? We write about what we want, no filter.

Perhaps my favorite thing about Odyssey is that it encourages us, the creators, to make our voices heard: to speak up when it feels as though we may be silenced. I've used this platform to write about some of my biggest passions—from cheerleading to my retail job—and I've shed light upon a new perspective to those who haven't been exposed to them before.

The wonderful benefits of being a part of this community overshadowed the hardships I were to face each week. Meeting strict deadlines, editing my pieces, or even coming up with a pitch were some of the challenges I had to deal with. They're the basic principles of being a writer, so in the end, I'm more than thankful for them to have kicked my butt. I've grown as a writer, creative mind, and a better person throughout this role, which amazes me as I reflect on how much of a learning process it has been.

As I leave behind this incredible organization, I can make a promise to the readers of my content: it won't stop here. There isn't a doubt in my mind that I'll carry the lessons I've learned from my Odyssey community with me throughout the rest of my college journey and beyond. I'll continue to share my stories and make my voice heard for the rest of my life, and I encourage you all to do the same.

Thank you for sharing, commenting, or even just "liking" my content week after week. Although this chapter of my life has come to a close, I'm eager to see what is behind the doors of my next one.

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