I've recently been thinking about what makes me happy. Just a few of my favorite things, if you will. So I've made a small list of them, making sure to leave out some of the weirder ones.
1. When Someone Plays With My Hair
It's like a scalp massage except with less direct touching. My mother used to do this to get me to sleep, but she would always stop right before I fell asleep so I'd have to make her continue. It was a bit of a struggle with her.
2. Hiding Under My Bed
It's like an extra level of protection. Like an open hug.
3. Walking Through A Pile Of Fallen Leaves
There's something just so pleasing about kicking your way through leaves. It's a nice reminder that it's autumn. Maybe it's associated with everything else that happens in the fall; it is my favorite season after all.
4. The Smell Of Rain
Don't tell me rain doesn't smell like anything. If someone says that, then they're lying.
5. Snow Sticking To My Nose
Sometimes I can feel snowflakes stick to my face, and it's oddly pleasing.
6. Making Other People Laugh
I know it sounds lame, but I love making people smile and laugh.
7. Snow Crunching Under My Feet
The feeling of snow compacting under you. The best. I love the feeling and the sound.
8. Sitting In Large Chairs
It's nice because I feel like a small child again. I like having my feet hanging off the end and being able to curl up in it.
9. The Wind Blowing My Hair Around
Yes, it's annoying, but it makes me smile.
10. Taking Off My Socks In Bed
Instant cool down. Plus I like feeling the change in texture.
11. Having People Read To Me
I might fall asleep, but I like listening to other's talk with no obligation to talk back.