After a well deserved holiday break, it's time for another collaboration article with Universal Music Group! This week, I kick it with another hidden gem of band by the name of Ocean Park Standoff! This band is a trio consisted of Samantha Ronson, Pete Nappi, and Ethan Thompson.
I got the pleasure of doing a brief phone interview with Ethan and I do have to say, even though the chance of meeting him in person are quite slim, he seems to be one of the nicest fellows to have a phone conversation with. Okay, that's enough with the stalling, let's get done to the real stuff people actually come here to read for.
Where Did The Name "Ocean Park Standoff" Come From?
My amateur interviewing skills helped me answer this question. Odyssey, please don't fire me. I didn't think the name would come from something any more obvious, but the origins of the name "Ocean Park Standoff" is literally in its title. There was a practice session scheduled at Samantha's house and the other two in the band were an hour late due to some traffic in Ocean Park. Turns out, after checking out why there was so much activity in the area, there was an actual standoff in Ocean Park. Boom, the rest is history. A simple, yet creative way to name a band. I have linked one of their songs, "Good News" below this paragraph:
The Review:
Again, thank the lord I got an interview with one of these guys because it helped me understand how their music comes to be. Very few artists or bands nowadays write original music, but these guys keep that tradition going and I have respect for that.
Their sound can be identified very easily if you have listened to their music before. Considering this is yet another somewhat young and somewhat unknown band, there is always a lot of room for improvement.
Their six song EP is coming out in January of 2017 and I am curious to see if they stick to what they have been doing over the past year. I enjoyed talking to Ethan over the phone and tried to pick his brain about what Ocean Park Standoff is about and I am genuinely impressed. I do hope that they expand their horizons beyond the state of California as I do think they can make a big impact nationwide if they put themselves out there.
As I have said before, it was great interviewing Ethan about Ocean Park Standoff and what is coming for the future. I do wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors as it only looks up from here. Look out for their new EP in 2017 because I do believe it will sell well if people give it a chance.