As the summer comes to a close and school starts back up again, there is always a new group of people joining every college. They are known as freshmen. For many people like myself, who are the oldest sibling or perhaps just have younger siblings, it is obvious that you will watch your brothers or sisters go to away to college. The little children that once ran around the playground with you, threatened to tattle on you, and always loved you because you were their own blood are now grown up and ready to go out in the world. Now as the older sibling it is time to let our guard down, let them know how much they mean to us, allow them explore the world on their own.
To my sister, we may bicker back and forth, make fun of each other, and do whatever else we can to get under each other's skin but in the end we have our laughs, secrets from mom and dad, trips that we have taken with the family and so many other memories. Although you will be in Towson while I am up in Albany, know that I will always have a thought about you in the back of my mind, that I will call now and then to check up on you, and always hope that everything is going smoothly for you. You may wonder why all of a sudden I am feeling this way and will be like this — it's because you are going to be on your own without your family around you. I want to make sure you're safe, hanging out with the right crowd of people, and that you make the right choices. I may seem like I am being a bit protective but know that it is what an older brother is supposed to do. I know that I have said it over and over again to you but congratulations, may the world be in the palm of your hand, make the right choices, and know that if you need anything that you can call me whenever you need to. You are about to start probably the best four years of your life, remember to stop time to time and live in the moment. There is no present, just the past, and the future, so make memories that count and will impact your life for the better. So good luck at Towson and know that no matter what you are always my little sister and I will always see you that way.