New Fall Candle Scents For Every Personality
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New Fall Candle Scents For Every Personality

Yankee Candle's New Fall Scents for 2015

New Fall Candle Scents For Every Personality

As fall starts to settle in with midterms, papers, and studying at full-capacity, we are reminded how much we all appreciate the little things that make us feel better. Hot tea on a Sunday night whilst studying for a Statistics midterm, warm cookies on a rainy day after finishing a lengthy paper, and finally smelling the sweet scents of fall candles burning away on the dresser.

I, personally, LOVE candles. Growing up, we always had a candle lit in the living room while we did our weekly cleaning of the house. It was just extremely comforting to smell sweet scents and it was the perfect start to signal the new week. Yankee Candle was always the go-to brand that my mom chose because of the strong and pungent, sweet scents it aroused. When Fall rolled around, I always anticipated what new scents the company could possibly come out with next. Also, what better way to ring in the new Fall year than with fall candles for every personality:

The Morning Person:

Crisp Morning Air

You love to wake up early. In fact, it is one of your greatest joys to sit out on your back porch with a hot cup of joe and breathe in the crisp autumn air whilst watching the gorgeous sun rise. This scent features the calming nature of Eucalyptus along with mint, soft pear, and sage. The perfect scents to indulge in as the day breaks.

The Bartender:

Vanilla Bourbon

You love to try new dishes, new drinks, new experiences. You are up for just about anything and never take no for answer. In fact, you, out of all of your friends, are the most daring. If we asked your friends, they would probably say that you would be the one most likely to eat insects in a Saigon market or Frog legs in a Parisian cafe. This calming, fall scent is perfect for you: with hints of vanilla cream and a strong measure of bourbon, you are in for a bartender's dream.

The Nature Lover:

Autumn in the Park

Hiking, swimming, cycling, running, jogging: you love it all. You are outside more than you are inside and just love the fresh air. You value exercise and feel that it is important for starting out every day in a positive light. This candle could not be more perfect for fall with strong elements of crisp apples and fallen leaves along with slight hints of lemon zest and pumpkin: it's perfect for the candle aficionado that calls nature, home.

The Dough Puncher

Brandy Pear Tart

The kitchen is your home, the oven is your domain. Ever since you were a small child, you enjoyed helping your parents make family dinners, cakes for special occasions and cookies on a Sunday afternoon. You always had flour on your pants and dough in your hair and absolutely loved it. Any scent of food calms you and this perfect fall candle with elements of baked pear in a sugary confection make your heart melt. This candle is perfect for you in all ways. Light it up and get to baking!

The Adventurer

Cranberry Twist

You don't follow all the rules. You like to make your own paths in life. You are, by no means, a follower. You like to lead, and you tend to lead well. Sure, you may not have the most orthodox of ways but you always find your way to the metaphorical finish line of each task you perform. And for that, you're zesty, twisty, and a lot of fun. This scent is perfect for you and for your fall-side. Featuring hints of sharp berries, zesty citrus, and a hint of ginger, you have got yourself a crazy mix of fun and fall.

The Organic Lover

Lush Berries

You are a no nonsense person. You enjoy cold-pressed juice, freshly squeezed orange juice, and organic fruits and vegetables. You can be spotted at Soul Cycle and Bikram Yoga daily, and love your cleanses that you find online. This fall scent is perfect for you, featuring strong elements of fresh-picked berries, it will definitely make you feel wholesome.

The Dessert Destroyer

Sugar & Spice

Brownies, love them. Doughnuts, adore them. Churros, savor them. You have absolutely no limit when it comes to desserts. If you happen to see a platter strewn across a party table, you will make sure that it is devoured in seconds. Krispy Kreme knows you on a first-name basis, yeah it's that bad. But, don't worry! With your love of desserts comes great privilege, as you get a discount at every dessert shop in the country. No other candle could possibly fit you more: with heaping hints of cinnamon, vanilla, sugar crystals all baked together, you heart will for sure gobble this up.

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