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Top 5 Most Binge-Worthy Netflix Originals

For those cold winter days where all you want to do is stay in bed.

Top 5 Most Binge-Worthy Netflix Originals

Netflix has been producing original content since 2013. Netflix's first original show, House of Cards, began streaming February 1st of 2013 and ever since then the company has had major success with streaming original content. So, now you may be wondering, out of the hundreds of Netflix originals out there what could possibly be the most binge-worthy? What is going to be enjoyable for me to dedicate the time it takes to watch a whole season in a day? Well, have no fear because this is exactly what this list will do for you!

1. The Haunting of Hill HouseĀ 

The Haunting of Hill House, inspired by the novel of the same name by Shirley Jackson, takes place simultaneously in the past and the present and follows siblings Steven, Shirley, Theo, Luke, and Nell Crain who grew up in a haunted house as children and as adults, they are forced back to the house to confront their past.

Right now there is only one season currently on Netflix, and while there has been some talk of a season two, nothing has been confirmed.

2. The Crown

The Crown chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to the modern day. The series beginning gives the audience a look into the early reign of Queen Elizabeth II as she ascends to the throne. This show is great for anyone, like myself, who enjoys history. There are currently two seasons of The Crown available on Netflix and a third one is on the way.

3. InsatiableĀ 

Insatiable is the story of Patty, who grew up overweight, bullied, ignored, and underestimated and eventually got thin due to an accident causing her to have her jaw wired shut for a whole summer. Now that she is thin, she is receiving all kinds of attention from her peers at school. Insatiable is the show I wanted to so desperately hate, and as trashy as it got some times, it made me laugh. Insatiable season one is currently on Netflix and a second season has been confirmed

4. Tidying Up With Marie Kondo

Tidying Up With Marie Kondo is based on the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up also by Marie Kondo has taken the internet by storm. Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, if you haven't already seen it is about home makeovers and learning the proper way to tidy things up around the home. Sure, it does not sound exciting, but people all over the world (including myself), are hooked.

At this very moment, you could search #KonMarie on Twitter and find posts that go on for days from people who have watched the show and have used her methods in tidying up. The first season hit Netflix on early January and there is currently no word on a season two.

5. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina puts a spin on the beloved sitcom Sabrina the Teenage Witch series. The show has all the characters from the original that you loved, and some new characters you are sure to love. This show depicts Sabrina learning how to deal with being half mortal and half witch. The entire first season leaded up to whether or not Sabrina will become a full witch and forsake her human side.

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