Need To Know Tips For Traveling Millennials
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Need To Know Tips For Traveling Millennials

Advice for the young traveler to get a better bang for your buck.

Need To Know Tips For Traveling Millennials
Earth Porm

The millennial generation is known for seeking adventure and experiences over materialistic objects.

However, seeking adventure is easier said than done. Plenty goes through the planning process, which means it's easy to overlook crucial items and details.

Here are some tips for the young traveler to not only have a successful trip in Europe but also an economically positive one.

Get your passport or visa taken care of early.

Hands down, the most important part of traveling. Consider it your ticket to the world. If you don't have one, then you're going nowhere. And sometimes, it takes longer than anticipated for a passport or visa to process. For instance, I didn't receive my residence permit to live in the Netherlands until December, and I was already leaving in January. So make sure you get it done early, and you fill in all of the details correctly.

Buy plane tickets on cheap sites, and buy train tickets ahead of time.

There are plenty of cheap sites to find plane tickets like Skyscanner or Student Universe which is for the study abroad, kids. There are also plenty of cheap airline companies like Norwegian, SAS, EasyJet, and Ryanair. I flew Norwegian to and from Europe and my flight back home cost less than $400.

And with train tickets, if you plan your trip out ahead of time, then you can get cheap tickets. I traveled to Berlin and then Prague, with the tickets being $30 each. However, it's important to know that traveling within a country can get pretty pricey.

Pricey train tickets? Try to get a group rate.

Some countries allow multiple people to purchase tickets to the same destination for a cheaper rate. In the Netherlands, for instance, traveling to Amsterdam from the other side of the country can be quite cheap if you're with a group.

Hostels or Airbnb? Both!

This depends heavily on if you're traveling alone or with people. If you're alone, then look into a hostel because it'll be cheaper in the long run. If you're with people, then splitting an Airbnb will turn out as the better option. Airbnb is also an American company, which means there won't be foreign transaction fees.

Now if you really are broke and an open-minded individual, then I suggest couch surfing. It's free, but it's typical to hang out with the host and bring gifts.

Research credit cards.

I cannot stress this enough. I only had my debit card from Wells Fargo and I was getting hammered with foreign transaction fees and ATM fees left and right. If your bank isn't in the Global ATM Alliance, then I suggest choosing a different bank for your credit card.

Chase Sapphire Preferred and Bank of America's BankAmericard Travel Rewards credit card are great options for 20-somethings. No foreign transaction fees or ATM fees. It's pretty glorious (or so I've heard).

Purchase converters.

It's pretty common knowledge that countries around the world have different plug-ins than the states. There's nothing worse than arriving in a country and realizing you can't charge any of your devices. Purchase a universal adapter / converter that has many different plugs.

And leave your hair appliances at home.

The voltage abroad is higher than in the states. I learned this the hard way when my Chi straightener practically exploded while I was using it. It took months for the singed hair to grow out, and my hotel room smelled of burned hair for a couple of days. Ditch the hair appliances and embrace the natural look, ladies.

Beware of picked pockets.

If you've ever purchased a train ticket in Italy, then you've heard the repeated phrase, "Beware of pickpocket." This can't be more true. I've had countless friends who've lost their phones, money and cards by not being aware of their surroundings. Wear a big backpack because pickpocketers won't attempt to open a large zipper on your back, purchase a lock for your purse, or invest in wallets that you can wear under your clothes. Tourist attractions and public transportation prove to be spots with the highest pickpocket rates.

Bring a reusable water bottle.

If you have a water bottle or canister that's refillable and you can wash, then you're set. Otherwise, get ready to pay for water everywhere you go. To cut costs, I traveled with a wide-mouthed bottle -- that way I was always hydrated and I didn't have to pay for a necessity like water. Also, many of the countries in Europe have clean tap water.

All roads lead to McDonald's (or Starbucks).

When your Wi-Fi isn't working, or you have nowhere to go at three in the morning, head toward a McDonald's. It has free Wi-Fi and typically, they are open 24 hours. I can't tell you the number of times the fast food joint has saved me. My Christmas Eve dinner was McDonald's because we didn't realize the entire city of Berlin shuts down for the holiday.

And if you can't find a McDonald's, then a Starbucks can help you out with that Wi-Fi password, too.

Use a travel book.

There are plenty of different travel books, and restaurants and hotels take them seriously. Some books have coupons and free offers inside. Most of the suggestions are popular tourist attractions, but there are other local favorites hidden away as well.

Can't find the city center? Look for a big church.

Now, this advice has steered me wrong, but only once or twice. Europe is a religious hub, even if some nations are more secular than anything. If you can't find the city center, then simply look for the church. In some cases, it'll be called the "Dom." Once you find it, it'll be easy to set your orientation and know exactly where you're at.

Screenshot anything and everything.

While Wi-Fi is everywhere abroad, there are plenty of times where your phone is completely useless. Screenshot everything you look up beforehand. This could range from directions to metro lines, to tickets, to information given by your Airbnb host on how to get to their place. Something as simple as a screenshot could save you stress and time.

Following these guidelines will help make a trip easier than ever. While traveling is fun and exciting, it's also hard and tiring -- factors that many people forget or leave out.

Exhaustion, dehydration, and starvation can lead to frustration and anger while traveling, especially if the circumstances aren't the best. Look for ways to save money, make decisions that'll ultimately make the trip easier and don't forget to have a great time.

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