Everyone, at some point in their life, will come face to face with an age old question: What’s my purpose in life? For those of us who consider ourselves Christians, it presents itself in a different way: What’s God’s plan for my life? Trying to discover the reason for your existence certainly poses a daunting task; oftentimes, it doesn’t come easily or naturally. It takes awhile to figure out why we’re here, and while it can seem impossible, we can find some hope along the way.
All Christians do have one common purpose they’ve been called to: to go and make disciples. Now, this will look different for everyone. For some, it may be something as simple as showing kindness to a stranger in the grocery store and sparking a conversation. Sometimes, just acting Christ-like is enough to at least provoke unbelievers to question you. For others, it may be something a bit more “out there,” such as pastoring a church or leading a ministry devoted to serving others. And yet, for some awaits the more radical call of missions. Whatever that looks like in your life, you can count on that being the basis of your purpose.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying God’s plan can only play out in one way. There may be several options you pursue that end up reaching out to others for His kingdom. Sometimes, they may be chances to witness to dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people. If so, He will equip you accordingly. On the other hand, it may be the simpler yet monumental task of showing Christ to the people in your life on a regular basis: family, neighbors, coworkers. Everyone needs Jesus, right? The average, everyday life lived freely and wholeheartedly devoted to Christ absolutely cannot be overlooked. The role of the Christian living in the world, but not of it, is one everyone can fulfill.
As far as the details of your calling, it can be beneficial to rule out things you know are not meant for your pursuit.
God’s purpose will never be for you to sin.
Did I say that clearly enough? The path that you’re meant to walk in life will not be perfected by sin; I can promise you that. If you’re struggling to decide which way to go in your personal, spiritual, or public life, take a close look at your options. Are they God honoring? Does the Bible take a stance on those topics? If so, does it approve or disapprove of them? What are your intentions? Asking these questions can lead you closer to honing in on what you’re meant to be striving after.
One of the biggest things you can do when seeking a calling is prayer. Spending time daily in conversation with the One you’re desiring instruction from only makes sense. By praying and listening with an open heart, you can better discern what His will is for you.
One last piece of advice: relax. Not everyone finds out what their calling is at a young age. There’s no need to rush into anything and devote yourself to the wrong thing. Slow down, take your time, and focus on honoring God. Things will fall into place, and His glory will shine through you.