9 Easy And Natural Water Cleanses
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Health and Wellness

9 Easy Natural Water Cleanses To Start Your New Year Strong

If you're trying to be healthier or increase your water intake this new year, you're welcome.

easy water recipes

Sometimes, something as simple as spicing up your water is all it takes to make you feel fresh and renewed. If you're anything like me, you neglected your daily water intake at the end of 2018. But, as I began the new year I realized why I was feeling so sluggish and it was because I wasn't drinking enough water. Personally, I tend to get bored with plain water and throughout the years have found myself researching recipe's to spice up my water. Well, if you're looking to be healthier, take in more water or searching for an easy detox, I'm sharing my personal favorite infused water recipes that can help you with all of your health needs.

Lemon, Cucumber & Mint

Cia Florentina

This combo, I'd like to think is very well known and may be more basic but hello, it is my go-to choice just for the instant detox/ revival it gives me! Lemons are your best friend because they're a natural detoxifier, providing a boost in your immune system and digestion, all while flushing out toxins. The mint will aid in digestion and also contribute as a natural sweetener. The cucumber provides an extra hydration boost and will give some more flavor!

BONUS: Add ginger which aids in digestion, can prevent indigestion, nausea and heartburn.

Green Tea, Mint & Lime


So, this concoction does it all! This is great for burning fat, helping with digestion, easing headaches, and fighting congestion! Remember, while the tea is steeping add in the other ingredients. When it cools down, pour over ice and done!

Cucumber, Kiwi & Strawberry

Eleanor Prior

Yum! The benefits from this fruity combo are blood sugar support, immune system support, appetite control, increase in metabolism, provides a boost in energy, and reduces toxins!! Also, as I've mentioned before, cucumbers are a great way to get that extra hydration but on top of that they are great for your skin, and have anti-inflammatory properties!

Lemon, Lime & Cucumber

Happy Food

Okay, now were combining a few of our reoccurring favs! As we know from previous combo's, here we are getting a hydration boost, appetite control, aid in digestion, bloating reduction, skin aid, lowering blood pressure, and a kidney cleanse! Perfect!

BONUS: Add ginger!

Lemon, Lime & Orange


This trio is a blast of flavor! The benefits of this detox are Immune defense, digestion, heartburn relief, fat burner (aiding in weight loss), kidney detox. The presence of the orange aids in detoxifying/ burning fat when paired with lemon, provides a germ fighting vitamin, helps slow the aging process, and the vitamin C from the orange combined with lemon helps build collagen which again prevents premature aging.

BONUS: Add blueberries!

Grapefruit & Rosemary


Okay this duo is action packed of benefits. The grapefruit alone provides an aid in weight loss (due to its fiber content and blood sugar stabilization properties), immune system boost, aids in brain health, the potassium in it aids in muscle growth, aids in cardiovascular health and ladies, it can even help prevent UTI's. Now, the rosemary helps hair growth, has anti-inflammatory compounds, helps digestion, liver detox, enhances brain function, reduces stress and balances hormones. I mean, this is a must!

Mint & Blueberry

Square Space

Okay so blueberry is chop full of amazing things for your body! Blueberries aid in weight loss, helps boost immunity, anti-aging properties, promotes cardiovascular and brain health, aids in digestion, lowers blood pressure, and can help prevent UTI's. The mint again will help indigestion and gas and provides a sweet flavor naturally.

PS: you may want to much the blueberries up to really get that flavor out!

BONUS: Add lemon for extra health support!

Peach & Raspberry

My Emerald Kitchen

Peaches provide a great aid in skin care. They fight wrinkles, improve skin texture, and help to repair and fight sun damage. Raspberries are high in antioxidants and vitamin C which promotes heart health and fights age- related decline, has anti inflammatory properties, they are full of fiber and have anti-cancer properties.

Basil & Strawberry

OMG Food

Together basil and strawberry infused water can boost energy levels, support the immune system, support the proper absorption of minerals, help to maintain proper metabolic functions, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

BONUS: Add lemon!

Making this water is very simple! Add as much as you'd like regarding the ingredient's and make sure that however much you have, has a good water ratio. Be generous and the longer you let it soak the stronger the flavor. I advise letting it soak overnight in the fridge to really allow all of the nutrients to soak into the water. Remember you can add any extras or mix and match any of these recipe's you think you'll enjoy!!

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