The Land Of The Angry, And The Home Of The Hateful
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The Land Of The Angry, And The Home Of The Hateful

We are a nation divided and we are falling, falling quickly. My heart breaks for the lack of love in the land I call home.

The Land Of The Angry, And The Home Of The Hateful
ABC News

It breaks my heart to see the state of this nation as it is today. I can honestly say that I am not always proud to be an American. Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful to be living in this country and to be blessed with the freedoms that I have. I am truly grateful to have grown up with all the privileges available to me as an American and living in this Nation. However, to see all of the brokenness, negativity, and hatred that surrounds us makes me not want to be associated with a nation that is known for such actions. We are a nation divided and we are falling, falling quickly.

No one seems to be hitting the source of all the problems we see as headlines today. The focus lies on race issues, justice issues, or political problems. News flash! Although these issues do exist and they are shamefully struggles that exist, they are not where our focus should lie. In my strong opinion, the problem with America and Americans is our lack of character. Simply said, as a whole nation, we lack the decency and character to live together peacefully and stand together as a united nation. And sure, we are a united nation when outsiders attack us. We can band together and defend our country. But when the war boiling up from within our home, we divide and as a nation we suffer. Now, I don’t have the time or the words to say everything that is harming our nation, but I will go into depth on a few things I would like to see change, and what the root of all this strife truly is.

First, I’ll say that I see such a lack of respect everywhere. Children have no respect for their parents. We have no respect for each other. We have no respect for our land we are blessed enough to inhabit. And specifically speaking to the recent tragedies and lives lost, we have no respect for authority and those who risk their lives daily to protect and serve this nation. We’ve abandoned the golden rule that was ingrained into us during elementary years. “Do unto others as you would have then do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) I remember well the emphasis on this rule and all the pillars of character. Did those just stop applying to us as we enter adulthood? Where did we learn to treat each other with such disrespect and indecency? Our nation needs to get back to a state of respect if we are to move forward positively.

Second, and what hurts my heart the most, is all of the anger and hate that is living within our nation. This also happens to be our biggest problem and the root of the strife we see hitting the headlines. We, as a people, are so angry and so easily offended. We are constantly on the defense and explode the instant we feel offended or attacked. Our nation has captivated hateful hearts and we feed into that with the negativity that surrounds us. Somewhere, we picked up this strong dislike for anyone who is different from us. On a daily basis, we separate ourselves because we think our lives are different depending on our incomes, skin color, mental ability, or lifestyle. We get so focused that one life matters more than any other and we fight about that. Let me tell you that all lives matter. Each and every one of us in the whole world matters and we all matter to the same extent. Yes, we are all created differently; yes we all come from different backgrounds and histories. But, no, we should not treat each other as if one type of people or one life matters more than any other. This hate for each other is tearing us apart and literally killing us. I read a tweet the other day that hit this point out of the park. This person said, “The sad part about everything is we have soldiers of all races dying for us overseas and yet we’re killing each other at home.” I read that and for a moment just thought, "wow." The truth that is in that statement. We have people willing to put their lives on the line miles away from home to protect our nation and protect the rights and freedoms we have, yet the real war is on our own soil. The real war is in our own hearts. We are killing and hating our neighbors, our brothers, our sisters. And why? Because we are angry, because we are offended because we cannot handle these emotions and retaliate in hate. We are a nation lacking in love.

God has called us to love our neighbors as ourselves. In fact, God specifically has said, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). Right there!! “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people.” But as a nation, we are doing the exact opposite. But what can be done? Many will say that’s just how things are. There isn’t anything you can do to change these events. But they are wrong. There must be a change, I cannot imagine a nation I would want to live in, or raise a family in, if this is the path we are taking. Something has got to be done and it starts with us. It starts with you and it starts with me. It starts with God and love. I will forever advocate that there needs to be more love given and shared. More sympathy needs to be felt, more caring and kindness. We need to build up our nation with better character.

Our nation may be in dark times, but we are still The United States of America. I believe we are still great and we are capable of joining together as one. Even through all the hate, anger, and strife, you can see glimpses of love, glimmers of hope, and support. The foundation of this nation is still great; it is still a united force where hope, love, and character still exist. It just hurts my heart so much to see a great nation fall to destruction under a cloud of hate. I say the cause of these trouble times is at the fault of hateful hearts and I say that with confidence, but don’t misread my words. I am not declaring that every person, every American, is hateful or bad. I am not proclaiming that America is a lost cause; I am not in any way bashing on American’s (entirely). There is a reason behind all of the pain and suffering, the struggles, strife, hate, and anger. That reason is the evil in the world and the weakness of the human heart as it succumbs the hatred and temptations of anger and revenge.

The more time I spend on this Earth, the more I realize that this is not where I belong. This is not my home. I may be in this world for the time being, but I am definitely not of this world. I will not let my heart be hardened by the events occurring around me, but I will use them so love and love hard. I will use them to share God with others and be a beacon of hope to the angry, the hurt, and the lost.

This nation just needs more; More God, more love, more character, more caring.

My heart truly breaks for all the lives lost in the past few years due to violence, hate crimes, and revengeful acts. My heart goes out to those who have been treated unjustly. I feel ashamed to see my fellow neighbors act in such hateful ways, but I will love them still.

“Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they are doing.”

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” – Ephesians 4:31-32

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