For way too long marijuana has had a negative stigma, but how true really are all of these speculations? Here are a few myths many people have about the use of cannabis and why those myths are scientifically and historically untrue.
Marijuana causes brain damage.
This is one of the most common myths about marijuana. Many believe that marijuana users become “stupid” over time, however, cannabis itself does not have this effect. A recent study took place in France, looking at 20 heavy cannabis users and compared them to 20 non-smokers. Participants in the study were 18-25 years old. The results showed no impact on the human brain. Another recent University of Louisville study has determined that marijuana use does not, in fact, kill of any brain cells. A 2003 report in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society published by Cambridge University supports the same claim that there is no scientific support that shows cannabis is harmful to the brain and these myths are pure speculation.
Only certain types of people smoke marijuana.
So often, people stereotype what they think is an ideal “pot head” or “stoner”. They think of Scooby Doo’s best buddy, Shaggy. The real laid back and oblivious goofball. That image is disregarded when studying the countless cannabis users that don’t fit that mold. To name a few, celebrities that have spoken about embracing their current use of cannabis are Justin Timberlake, George Clooney, Bill Maher, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston and Morgan Freeman. This is just a brief list of celebrities that indulge in cannabis. As for those that have admitted to simply trying it, the list is endless. Our very own President Barrack Obama had a reputation for using the precious little herb for years. You’ll notice that most of these avid users don’t emulate the character of Shaggy.
Marijuana users lack motivation.
A popular argument among weed opponents is that marijuana makes people lazy. Studies have not been able to support that cannabis induces laziness. About 5-6% of the population seems to have identifiable difficulties with motivation, but research has not been able to tie this to the use of cannabis. Of course there are lazy potheads out there, but there are also lazy people and ambitious potheads. There is plenty of evidence, including thousands of years of human experience, to show that pot makes you creative, active and influential rather than lazy.
Below is a link of 50 influential marijuana users and their comments about it.
50 Influential People That Use Cannabis
Marijuana is illegal because it’s “dangerous”.
I could have wrote a long historic paragraph about cannabis but Joe Rogan says it all too well.