My Plea To The Older Generation
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My Plea To The Older Generation

Stop and talk to me first. You're not seeing the entire picture.

My Plea To The Older Generation

It’s been interesting to watch the unfolding conversation on millennial’s happening across social media lately. Being me, I didn’t really realize it was a hot topic of conversation happening in the United States until it came up at my dinner table a couple times this fall and I began seeing articles everywhere on Facebook.

After a lot of research, thinking, and talking about the subject, this is my plea to the Older Generation:

Please stop assuming that being a millennial constitutes me as lazy and not having any hard work ethic. I’m sick of being seen by a large amount of the older generation as lazy and unable to get a life just because I have the label of “millennial” on my shoulders.

In the midst of working toward my English and Literature degree in college, I invested in things I was interested in aside from my major like theatre, art, and music while also trying my hand at a sport. Back then, I recognized quickly that in order to really love life, I have to fill it with things I enjoy doing.

A larger part of 2015, for me, was spent planning, fundraising, and getting prepared to leave the country for an entire year. I had no immediate help from my parents throughout that process because I was at school or out-of-state and doing it on my own. I was forced to rely on my faith and the goodness of the community around me while also placing one foot in front of the other to achieve a goal that, in the end, I knew would give me greater joy, life experience, and confidence as a single woman of faith.

An article on found that millennials aren’t work-hating and lazy. It states that “The inability to get a job isn't due to a lack of initiative; it's due to a lack of jobs. The inability to move out of the basement isn't because of a lack of interest, it's a lack of affordable housing and skyrocketing rents. Wages have been stagnant for decades while student debt, at a time when a bachelor's degree is being treated as the new high school diploma, is flying off the charts.”

After my mission trip around the world, I moved back home and I now live with my parents. I deeply appreciate the fact that they are allowing me to live with them until I get my feet settled. But I'll be out of here as soon as I can gather the finances to live with roommates and/or on my own. The first few weeks I was home, I spent my time actively searching and applying for jobs I thought I might enjoy because I knew I was being called to remain in New Hampshire for a season. I think I applied for a dozen or more full-time jobs. Organizations, offices, and workplaces never even responded to my attempts of application before I walked into my current part-time position at Teavana. I’m in the process of keeping my eyes peeled for companies with open full-time positions starting in 2017. I recognize that I need more income so I can actively begin saving and paying off my student loans.

Stop and talk to me first. When you assume I’m a lazy millennial because I’m working part-time, you’re not seeing the entire picture, and you're making an immature judgment on my ethic as a human being.

I believe Millennials are the generation trying hardest to really live lives we’re happy with while also giving back and spreading love to other people when they are in need. I believe millennials bring a fresh perspective to the world that says “if you’re unhappy, you don’t have to stay stuck there, and if you feel stuck, we’ll help you out if you’re willing to take a step forward.”Life is too short to remain still and unhappy.

I obviously can’t speak on behalf of all millennials, but I can speak for myself, and if I feel this way, then my bet is that there are a lot of other millennials that feel the same way I do. I strive to do what I love with the knowing that fiscal income is not everything. I strive to keep a long-term goal in focus and I strive to keep working for it. I give back to others when I’m capable because that gives me the greatest joy.

We learn by observing. Right now, millennials have the power to repeat mistakes or change circumstantial situations.

If your opinion is that I'm making a mistake by choosing to live the way I think will give me most joy and happiness, so be it. It certainly won't stop me from smiling and taking ownership over the life I choose to live whether you agree with me or not.

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